What have we learned?
- Basic data wrangling
- incl. regression coefs / sums of squares
- Probability theory
- distributions!
- Foundations of Inference
- hypothesis tests / confidence intervals
- Linear modeling / ANOVA
- (relies on pieces of everthing above!)
- Likelihoods and MLE’s
- … under the hood of GLM and lots more
- Generalizing linear models
- GLS (dependent data)
- random coefficients (LME’s)
- Bayesian Inference
- theory
- MCMC (with STAN)
What we didn’t learn: More Advanced Regression
- easy!
- Additive models (GAM’s)
- leading to Generalized Linear Additive Mixed Models (GLAMM)
- Phylogenetic correlations
- easy! … just add the relationship matrix to `gls``
- Lasso / Spline bases / Ridge-regression
- fancy - but effective - stuff for solving some practical problems with outliers / funny distributions / non-linear responses.
What we didn’t learn: Multivariate Stats
For analyzing data with complex (multivariate) responses - e.g. multiple species presence / absence data.
- Multivariate regression
- Canonical-correlation analysis (CCA)
- Ordination / Dimension Reduction
- Principle Components (PCA)
- Factor Analysis
- Non-metric multidimensional scaling
What we didn’t learn: Machine Learning / Prediction
Broadly : Analysis that minimizes distributional assumptions and does NOT have inference as a goal, but only Prediction
- Nearest neighbor
- Random forests
- Clustering
- Cross-validation
- Dimension reduction
Actually: LOTS of overlap with topics we’ve discussed
(more than often acknowledged).
My philosophy (usually):
- Biologically meaningful parameters
- As mechanistic (as possible) models that allow for random processes through a probability model
- Before using a new tool … have some idea what’s going on beneath the hood
My goal in this class:
To empower you to not only peek under hoods, but create your own crazy original analysis machines!
Atlantic Cod Stomach Example
\[W_{mean} = (\alpha_0 + \alpha_1 \text{Latitude})^\beta \times (L - L_{min})\] \[W_{obs} \sim \text{Exp}(mean = W_{mean})\]
- \(W\) is average stomach size
- \(\alpha\)’s are intercept / slope of regression against Latitude
- \(\beta\) is a scaling paramter
- \(L_min\) is the minimum size of a (captured) cod
Altantic Cod Stan Code
data {
int n; //
real Length[n]; // Predator length
real WeightObs[n]; // Observed weight of stomach contents
real Latitude[n]; // Latitudes at observations
real alpha0; // intercept & ...
real alpha1; // ... slope of latitude dependence
real Lmin; // minimum length of predator for stomach contents
real WeightMean[n]; // mean weight
// Priors
alpha0 ~ normal(0,1e3);
alpha1 ~ normal(0,1e3);
Lmin ~ uniform(0, min(Length));
// Likelihood
for(i in 1:n){
WeightMean[i] <- (alpha0 + alpha1*Latitude[i]) * (Length[i]-Lmin);
WeightObs[i] ~ exponential(1/WeightMean[i]);
Atlantic Cod Stomach Example
With that, Welcome to ….
The SECOND Annual Mega-Mini-Symposium on Data Analysis and Modeling in Ecology and Environmental Sciences and Genetics And Random Stuff
- Opening Remarks and Welcome
- Talks
First Speaker on First Topic
Second Speaker on Second Topic
Third Speaker on Third Topic
Fourth Speaker on Fourth Topic
For each presentation, please write a brief sentence or two answering the following questions:
1. What is the “big picture” question?
2. What data were used and how were they obtained?
3. What variables are being explored? Identify explanatory and response variables
4. Describe the model being fitted
6. What would you suggest next steps should be?
5. Comment on at least ONE result