ENEE 463 - Digital Control Systems
Course Description
Introduction to techniques for the analysis and design of linear control systems and implementation of control systems using digital technology. Topics include linearization, solution of linear equations, z-transforms and Laplace transforms, design of linear controllers, optimal control, and digital implementation of control designs. Students will use MATLAB for the solution of problems and the design of control systems.
ENEE 322
Textbook and any other required material
Franklin, Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall
Course Objectives
model simple control systems, using differential equation models for sampled data
know ramifications of sampling and quantization
design control systems for different engineering models
introduced to model implementation of real time controllers
Topics Covered
Introduction to digital control systems design
Representations of discrete time systems
Design approach and process
Compensator design via discrete equivalents
Direct methods for compensator design
State space methods for design of feedback controls
Optimal control methods
Digital design and implementation
Class/lab schedule
Three hours of lecture
Contribution of the course to meet the professional component
One and one-half years of engineering topics, to include engineering sciences and engineering design appropriate to the student’s field of study.
Relationship of course to program objectives
(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering:
Apply z-transforms, linear algebra, and solutions of difference equations; apply MATLAB programming.
(b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data:
Conduct numerical experiments to investigate sensitivity and stability, especially as influenced by sampling rate and quantization effects.
(c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs:
Design control systems to meet specific control objectives.
(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems:
Apply methodologies learned in the course to actual design problems.
(f) an ability to communicate effectively:
Students are required to produce a written report for their project.
(j) a knowledge of contemporary issues:
Become aware of the pervasiveness of embedded systems, particularly as used for control.
(k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice:
Proficiency in MATLAB, knowledge of essentials for the implementation of real-time controls.
Persons who prepared this syllabus and date of preparation
Dr. Levine, June 2005