Student Dissertations published in 1974-1995
Masters (MS) Theses
- R. Castro, Identification of Bilinear Processes, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Summer 1974.
- L. Hampton, On the Controllability of Bilinear Systems with Delays, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1975.
- A. Dorsey, Point Process Estimation Derived from Statistical Description of Vehicle Headways, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1978.
- S. Wolk, Joint Optimization of Information Pattern and Control in Some Linear Quadratic Gaussian Problems, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1978.
- W. Bennett, Block Diagonal Dominance and the Design of Decentralized Compensation, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1979.
- G. Panayotopoulos, Detection of Gaussian Processes Observed Through Memoryless Nonlinearities, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Summer 1979.
- K. S. Han, Signal Processing for a Phase Interferometer in the Presence of Multipath Noise, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 1982.
- A. LaVigna, Real Time Sequential Detection for Diffusion Signals, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1986.
- D. MacEnany, Bayesian Sequential Hypothesis Testing, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 1986.
- L. Finesso, Order Determination for Probabilistic Functions of Finite Markov Chains, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1987.
- J.-L. Yuan, The Control of Multimedia Communication Processors: Messages with Time Constraints, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 1988.
- R.L. Munach, Efficient Algorithms for Control System Design Using Computer Albegra, M.S. Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 1989.
- S. Rodriguez, Wald Sequential Detection with Non-Gaussian Pulsed Radar Using the Zakai Equation, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 1989.
- C. Salter, Real-Time Control for a Zero Gravity Robotic End Effector, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1989.
- E. Frantzeskakis, On Image Coding and Understanding: a Bayesian Formulation for the Problem of Template Matching Based on Coded Image Data, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1990.
- N. Sidiropoulos, Image Deconvolution Using Multiple Sensors, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1990.
- F. Candler, Code Excited Linear Prediction Speech Coding with the TSP50C10, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Summer 1990.
- Y.H. Kao, Low Complexity CELP Speech Coding at 4.8 kbps, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 1990.
- D. Augenstein, Parameter Identification of Large Spacecraft Systems, Based on the Frequency Characteristics of the Hankel Operator, M.S. Thesis Systems Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1991.
- B. Frankpitt, A Frequency Domain Design for the Control of a Distributed Parameter System, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1993.
- N.S. Patel, Intelligent Process Control, M.S. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1993.
- M.R. Bryson, Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Cellular Satellite System: Hybrid Cellular Satellite Handoffs, M.S. Thesis, Systems Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1993.
- S. Delancy, Cost and Pricing Model for DBS Video to the Home, M.S. Thesis, Systems Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1993.
- A. Falk, A System Design for a Hybrid Network Data Communications Terminal Using Asymmetric TCP/IP to Support Internet Applications, M.S. Thesis, Systems Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1994.
- F. de Almeida, Network Monitoring by Observing Message Codes, M.S. Thesis, Systems Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1995.
Doctoral (PhD) Dissertations
- A. Pue, Vehicle Distribution and Routing in a Large Automated Transportation Network, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Summer 1981.
- A. Dorsey, Adaptive Control of a Simple Queuing System, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Summer 1983.
- D. Northam, An Approach to the Modeling of Electromagnetic Scattering from Distributed Targets with Applications to Surface Ships, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Summer 1983.
- W. Bennett, Decentralized Control System Design: Dynamic Weak Coupling from a Geometric Viewpoint, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Summer 1984.
- A. Goldberg, On Building Nonlinear Dynamical Stochastic Process Models from Empirical Data, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1986.
- K. Holley, Applications of Multigrid Algorithms to Solving the Zakai Equation of Nonlinear Filtering with VLSI Implementations, Ph.D. Thesis, Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland, Fall 1986.
- K. S. Han, Simultaneous Detection and Estimation for Diffusion Type Signals, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 1986.
- M.R. James, Asymptotic Nonlinear Filtering and Large Deviations with Application to Observer Design, Ph.D. Thesis, Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland, Spring 1988
- S. I. Wolk, Optimal Control of Markov Chains Admitting Strong and Weak Interactions, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 1988.
- A. LaVigna, Nonparametric Classification Using Learning Vector Quantization, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 1989.
- L. Finesso, Consistent Estimation of the Order for Markov and Hidden Markov Chains, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 1990.
- D. MacEnany, Bayesian Change Detection, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1991.
- N. Sidiropoulos, Statistical Inference, Filtering and Modeling of Discrete Random Sets, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 1992.
- Z. Berman, Generalizations and Properties of the Multiscale Maxima and Zero-Crossings Representations, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 1992.
- Y.H. Kao, Robustness Study of Free-Text Speaker Identification and Verification, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 1992.
- M. El Baraka, Optimal Control of Large Space Structures, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Spring 1993.
- E. Frantzeskakis, An Architectural Framework for VLSI Time-Recursive Computation with Applications, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Summer 1993.
- Y. Zhuang, Analysis and Synthesis of Distributed Systems, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Summer 1994.
- S. Chen, Dynamic Routing of Voice/Data-Intergrated and ATM-Based Hybrid Networks, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, December 1994.
- C. Teolis, Robust H∞ Output Feedback Control for Nonlinear Systems, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Summer 1994.
- N.S. Patel, Robust Control of Set-Valued Discrete Time Dynamical Systems, Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Fall 1995.