- 16th IFAC World Congress ... more
- Symposium in honor of Professor Pravin Varaiya on his 65th birthday ... more
- 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation ... more
- The Charles & Helen White Symposium... more
- Workshop on Swarming in Natural and Engineered Systems... more
- Other invited talks and lectures... more
16th IFAC World Congress
Dr. Baras recently made a presentation at the 16th IFAC World Congress held in Prague, Czech Republic, from July 4 to July 8, 2005. The congress concentrated on new results and directions of Automatic Control theory, technology and applications.
Event Info: 16th IFAC World Congress
Date: July 4 to July 8, 2005.
Paper Title: Gibbs Sampler-Based Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles: Convergence Analysis
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Symposium in honor of Professor Pravin Varaiya on his 65th birthday
Symposium on Systems, Controls and Networks, June 5-7, 2005, Berkeley, California
ISR organized the Symposium on Systems, Control and Networks in honor of Dr. Pravin Varaiya, June 5-7. The symposium drew more than 180 people and was held in Berkeley, Calif. It was sponsored by ISR, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the National Science Foundation and the University of California, Berkeley. The research presented at the symposium is recorded in the new book, Advances in Control, Communication Networks, and Transportation Systems, published by Birkhauser and edited by ISR Director Eyad Abed (ECE/ISR).
Topics included Stochastic systems, Hybrid systems, Transportation systems, Economics, Networks and Sensor networks. Dr. Baras presented a speach on Cooperation, Trust and Games in Wireless Networks in the symposium.

Dr. Baras answering questions from audience

Dr. Baras in his presentation

Group Photograph of symposium participants
Here are some of the links to the symposium website.
13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
Dr. Baras recently presented a talk in 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. The conference was held at Hawaii Grand Hotel & Resort, Limassol, Cyprus.
The conference included sessions on
- Hybrid and Switched Systems
- Intelligent Control of Nonlinear Systems
- Recent Advances on Switched and Hybrid Systems
- Mechanical Systems and Robotics
- Nanotechnology and Manufacturing Controls
- Adaptive Control
- Computational Methods for CACSD
- Discrete Event and Manufacturing Systems
- and other topics
More information can be obtained from the conference website:
http://liu.ece.uic.edu/ISIC05 or http://liu.ece.uic.edu/MED05
The Charles and Helen White Symposium

Dr. Baras recently made a presentation at the above symposium. The symposium explored the future implications of the interconnections of bioengineering, information technology and nanotechnology.
Event Info: "New Systems for a New Era"
Date: Wednesday, May 14, 2003, 10 a.m. to Noon
Place: Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, University of Maryland, College Park.
Workshop on Swarming in Natural and Engineered Systems
ISR Director Eyad Abed (ECE/ISR), Professor John S. Baras (ECE/ISR), Professor P.S. Krishnaprasad (ECE/ISR), and ISR Assistant Research Scientist Eric Justh were featured speakers at the Workshop on Swarming in Natural and Engineered Systems this month.
The workshop brought together experts in artificial intelligence, control theory, robotics, systems engineering and biology to better understand swarming behaviors in nature and applications of biologically-inspired models of swarm behaviors to large networked groups of autonomous vehicles.
-- Dr. Abed spoke on Formation Control with Virtual Leaders and Reduced Communications.
-- Dr. Baras spoke on Swarm Collaborative Intelligence: From Networked Control to Trust in MANET.
-- Dr. Justh and Dr. Krishnaprasad's topic was Spatial Patterns in Cooperation and Conflict.
Event Info: Workshop on Swarming in Natural and Engineered Systems
Presentation Title: "Swarm Collaborative Intelligence: from Networked Control to Trust in MANET"
Date: August 3-4, 2005
Place: Napa Valley, California