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1) Prepare Pseudomonas
broth and autoclave.
2) Collect 2 inch deep soil samples using
a soil core.
Day 2:
1) Prepare Pseudomonas
Isolation Agar and autoclave.
2) Pour 10ml broth into 20ml test tubes
using 2 test tubes for each sample.
3) Inoculate each test tube with 0.5g of
4) Incubate tubes at 27 oC for
48 hours in a shaker incubator.
Day 3:
1) Steak Pseudomonas
Isolation Agar plates with Pseudomonas broth, 2 using 2 plates per
test tube.
2) Incubate plates at 27 oC
for 72 hours in the dark.
3) Prepare Pseudomonas
Oil Agar and autoclave.
Day 4:
1) Streak isolated colonies from Pseudomonas
Isolation Agar onto the Pseudomonas
Oil plates.
2) Incubate plates at 27oC for 92 hours
in the dark.