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 Day 1:

1)  Prepare Pseudomonas broth and autoclave.
2)  Collect 2 inch deep soil samples using a soil core.

Day 2:

1)  Prepare Pseudomonas Isolation Agar and autoclave.
2)  Pour 10ml broth into 20ml test tubes using 2 test tubes for each sample.
3)  Inoculate each test tube with 0.5g of soil.
4)  Incubate tubes at 27 oC for 48 hours in a shaker incubator.

Day 3:

1)  Steak Pseudomonas Isolation Agar plates with Pseudomonas broth, 2 using 2 plates per test tube.
2)  Incubate plates at 27 oC for 72 hours in the dark.
3)  Prepare Pseudomonas Oil Agar and autoclave.

Day 4:

1)  Streak isolated colonies from Pseudomonas Isolation Agar onto the Pseudomonas Oil plates.
2)  Incubate plates at 27oC for 92 hours in the dark.

Joyce Sanchez and LongNguyendo
BSCI223H    Fall 2001    Sect. 0101
Dr. Ann Smith