Day 1

    1. Prepare LBS Agar

Day 2

    1. Swab plain Yoplait yogurt onto three labeled (1, 2, 3) LBS plates
    2. Place all three plates into the anaerobic chamber (follow directions on gas pack box)
    3. Incubate at 37 degrees Celsius for 48 hours

Day 3

    1. Look for small, beige, round, opaque single colonies on plates
    2. Take one colony from each plate and streak onto new plate using the streak plate technique (make sure to number all plates…new plate 1 should be streaked with colony from old plate 1)
    3. Place all three plates into anaerobic chamber and incubate at 37 degrees Celsius for 48 hours

Day 4

    1. Make Gram stain of one colony from each plate
    2. Examine each slide under the microscope (at least one should contain all purple rods…if not restreak with other colonies and try again)
    3. Prepare three more plates, using the streak plate technique, from single colonies from the plate that showed all purple rods on the Gram stain.
    4. Place the plates in theanaerobic chamber and incubate at 37 degrees Celsius for 48 hours

Day 5

    1. Complete an endospore stain and view microscopically
    2. Inoculate a motility stab
    3. Inoculate for Glucose Fermentation test
    4. Inoculate for Lactose Fermentation test
    5. * Incubate 2-4 at 37 degrees Celsius for 48 hours

    6. Streak two MacConkey's plates and incubate in anaerobic chamber at 37 degrees Celsius for 48 hours
    7. Streak two LBS plates and incubate without anaerobic chamber at 37 degrees Celsius for 48 hours

Day 6

    1. Observe Glucose Fermentation results
    2. Observe Lactose Fermentation results
    3. Observe motility stab results
    4. Observe MacConkey's results
    5. Observe aerobic plate results
    6. Perform Catalase Test
