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Es un mamífero rumiante de la familia de los camélidos.El nombre de la especie es Lama Guanicoe. Es un animal parecido a la llama pero de mayor tamaño, es muy apreciado por su lana de finísima calidad, su cuerpo está cubierto de abundante pelo largo y lustroso, generalmente de color pardo oscuro y a veces gris, rojo, amarillento y hasta blanco.

También se caracteriza por tener las patas largas y delgadas. Habita en la Cordillera de los Andes en América del Sur, por encima de los 4000 metros de altitud.

Los Tehuelches y los Onas eran cazadores de guanacos.

Actualmente este precioso animal se encuentra en extinción.


It is a ruminant mammal belonging to the family of camels. The word guanaco is the same in English and in Spanish.

It is similar to the llama but bigger, the name of the species is Lama Guanicoe. It is famous for its high quality wool, its body is covered by abundant long and shining hair; it is generally dark brown but sometimes could be gray, yellowish, red and even white.

It is also characterized by its longand thin legs. It lives in the Andes Mountains, in South América, in places where the altitude is over 4000 meters.

The Tehuelches and Onas used to hunt these guanacos.

Nowadays this beautiful animal is becoming extinct

Gabriela Mistral



Gabriela Mistral was born in 1889 in Vicuña (Chile), and her real name was Lucía de María del Perpetuo Socorro. Her parents were Jerónimo Godoy and Petronila Alcayaga.

She was teacher, director and inspector of many schools and high schools.

She won the Juego Florales Prize with her "Sonetos de la Muerte" and with this, she made herself known as Gabriela Mistral.

She was the only iberoamerican woman who won the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1945.

She was always known for her love to children and homeless.

Some important works:

-Desolación (1922)

-Lagar (1954)

She died in New York in 1957 of a pancreas cancer.

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