AFSCME Representation Cards

I have AFSCME union representation cards for anybody who would like to designate AFSCME for collective bargaining representative.

These cards do not commit the signer to either join the union nor pay union dues. The purpose is twofold:

One, to demonstrate that 30% of workers in the bargaining unit want collective bargaining. Two, that the signer wishes AFSCME to be the representative in that collective bargaining.

These cards are not even binding, a separate election will eventually be held. We would like to use the number of cards returned for AFSCME as a statistical gauge of how successful we will be in this election, therefore, we respectfully ask that you only sign an AFSCME card if you believe you will vote for AFSCME when this election is called.


The goal here is to get the word to interested people without getting in the face of those who don't want this to happen. For this reason I'm only sending out short email messages and speaking briefly at meetings.