Danger! Warning!

This produces a THINK sign containing patterns that stress the input coding portion of the human visual system. These patterns fool the observer into thinking that there is motion where there is none (especially when viewed peripherally). Don't make too many copies of this, because you will have to hide them in a desk drawer to get any work done.

Part of the blame for this one goes to Allon Stern

/slashpage {
	0 5 1584 { % for
		0 0 2 index moveto lineto
	} for
} bind def

% main program

/Helvetica-Bold findfont 216 scalefont setfont
612 0 translate 90 rotate % landscape
newpath 0 0 moveto 792 0 lineto 792 612 lineto 0 612 lineto closepath clip
(THINK!) dup stringwidth pop -2 div 396 add 220 newpath moveto true charpath clip
1 setgray fill 0 setgray 792 0 translate -1 1 scale slashpage

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