New Forms of Art

- Ancient Greeks established
the tradition of using female bodies to create three-dimensional
art objects.
- Renaissance artiststransformed those
three-dimensional objects two-dimensional paintings.
- Leonardo da Vinci observed
that ladies are more than their physical appearances. You should read their minds.
- According to Picasso, a
charming woman looks like this statue on the Campus of Princeton University.
- Would technologies have impacts on future forms of art? Motion
Can you tell who this lady is? She is Vivien Leigh who acted as Scarlet O'Hara in the Gone with the Wind. If you compare these two images, we are led to the Old Testamant again. A man cannot be complete without a woman. Likewise, a woman cannot be complete without a man.
Indeed, the cinematic art is based on man-woman relations.
- There was another technological revolution. Internet webpages! This
allows everybody to become an artist. You do not have to be a movie
director to produce artistic photos. In ancient Greece, it took the entire
life of one artist to construct a statue shown on this webpage. These days,
one can take 1000 photos and choose one like the one shown also on this page.
In addition, all artworks should be available to everybody who wishes to see them, not only to those who go museum or cinema theaters. Indeed, I am struggling to define this new form of art, but the definition will come after some more work.
In the meantime, we can have the following observations.
- The museum buildings of this world are too small, and the ultimate museum should be the entire world if not the entire universe.
- Art objects with life are far more precious than static objects which cannot talk back. When I photograph them, I record their hearts and minds.
- According to God, men's best FRIENDS are women. According to an individual, like myself, it is his/her God-given right to retain memories of those who have been kind to him/her.
These listings are not enough to define this new form of art. I will continue working hard for the solution. In the meantime, based in part on the reactions I received from the viewers of this webpage, my tentative conclusion is that men and women together can produce a very bright and positive view toward the world, in addition to those mentioned in the Old Testament and many other books in history. Your comments are welcome.
copyright@2004 by Y. S. Kim, unless otherwise specified.
Photos from the Gone with the Wind are from the " Story of the Gone with the Wind" (National Publishers, New York, 1967).