General Knowledge 1
- On what album could you find the Beatles' song "Taxman"?
[ANSWER] Revolver
- The first commissioner of Internal Revenue was appointed by which U.S. President?
[ANSWER] Abraham Lincoln
- Which attachment to the standard 1040 tax form lists income and expenses related to self-employment?
[ANSWER] Schedule C
- What does FICA stand for?
[ANSWER] Federal Insurance Contributions Act
- Which amendment authorized the creation of a national income tax?
[ANSWER] 16th Amendment
- Which Russian tsar imposed a tax on beards as part of a national modernization program?
[ANSWER] Peter I (Peter the Great)
- The gabelle was a French tax levied on what commodity?
- Whose criminal career ended when he was charged with tax evasion in 1931?
[ANSWER] Alphonse Gabriel "Al" Capone
- Will Ferrell plays a tax accountant named Harold Crick in what 2006 film?
[ANSWER] Stranger than Fiction
- What famous 6 word phrase related to this category was composed by speechwriter Peggy Noonan for the main speaker at the 1988 Republican National Convention in New Orleans?
[ANSWER] "Read my lips, no new taxes."
Theme Round
- The second act of which Richard Strauss opera centers around Octavian's attempts to deliver a token of Baron Ochs' affections to Sophie?
[ANSWER] Der Rosenkavalier
- Which former player for LSU holds the record for most blocked shots in a single game during the NCAA Division I Basketball Tournament?
[ANSWER] Shaquille O'Neal
- Who is the current U.S. Secretary of Labor?
[ANSWER] Elaine Chao
- What industrial process, used to produce steel from molten pig iron, utilizes blasts of high temperature air to remove impurities through oxidation?
[ANSWER] The Bessemer process
- Which H.G. Wells novel is narrated by Edward Prendick?
[ANSWER] The Island of Dr. Moreau
- What name is given to the lumpy mixture of apples, walnuts, and raisins included on the Passover seder plate to represent the mortar used by enslaved Israelites to construct buildings for the Egyptians?
[ANSWER] charoset
- What July 1866 battle marked the turning point of Austro-Prussian war?
[ANSWER] The Battle of Sadowa (Königgrätz)
- Which fictional character who first appeared on the silver screen in 1962 shares his name with an American ornithologist?
[ANSWER] James Bond
- Stretching from Santa Monica to Jacksonville, what is the southernmost coast-to-coast interstate highway in the United States?
[ANSWER] Interstate 10
- What house at Hogwarts has a badger on its flag?
[ANSWER] Hufflepuff
General Knowledge 2
- What sport has a hall of fame located in St. Louis Missouri and selects its world champion based on the Qubica/AMF World Cup?
[ANSWER] Bowling / Tenpins
- What city's Valley Hunt club established the Tournament of Roses Parade in 1890?
[ANSWER] Pasadena, CA
- What philosophy was called by Nietzsche the "will toward nothingness" and was popularized by the character Yevgeny Bazarov in Turgenev's Fathers and Sons?
[ANSWER] Nihilism
- In what 1919 court case did Oliver Wendell Holmes say that there was prior restraint on free speech only when it presented a "clear and present danger?"
[ANSWER] Schenk v. U.S.
- What former world leader who died in 2006 wrote the novels Zabibah and the King,The Fortified Castle, and Men and the City?
[ANSWER] Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti
- What coffee company, based in San Francisco until acquired by Procter and Gamble in 1963, was spun off into a separate Cincinnati-based concern in January 2008?
[ANSWER] Folgers
- In 1933 Hitler appointed Fritz Todt to oversee the development of what transportation system?
[ANSWER] (Reichs)autobahn(en)
- Modest Mussorgsky's piano suite Pictures at an Exhibition was turned into an orchestral work by what composer of Bolero?
[ANSWER] Maurice Ravel
- Who had a wife named Zipporah and a nurse named Bithiah?
[ANSWER] Moses
[ANSWER] The Big Lebowski
Mystery Round
- What 1947 John Steinbeck novel centers around the life of a diver named Kino whose son Coyotito gets poisoned by a scorpion?
[ANSWER] The Pearl
- Which baseball team will be moving its spring training facilities to Glendale, AZ next year after six decades in Vero Beach, FL?
[ANSWER] The Los Angeles Dodgers
- What type of cheese, named after a district in the Swiss canton of Freiborg won the 2008 World Championship Cheese Contest held this past month in Madison, Wisconsin?
[ANSWER] Gruyere
- What African capital city was formerly known as Salisbury?
[ANSWER] Harare, Zimbabwe
- Which post-Impressionist painter is buried in the Marquesas Islands?
[ANSWER] Paul Gauguin
- What hero from Greek mythology was famous for capturing Pegasus and slaying the Chimera?
[ANSWER] Bellerophon
- What three subatomic particles result when a proton undergoes beta decay?
[ANSWER] neutron, positron, neutrino
- Which French president, best known for suppressing the Paris commune in 1871, was the only man to hold that position who was born in the 18th century?
[ANSWER] Adolphe Thiers
- Which 1982 video game featured villains named Mr. Egg, Mr. Pickle, and Mr. Hot Dog?
[ANSWER] Burgertime
- Including the recently inaugurated David Paterson, how many African-Americans have held the office of state governor?
[ANSWER] Four (P.B.S. Pinchback-LA, Douglas Wilder-VA, Deval Patrick-MA, David Paterson-NY)