
I Get a Clique Out of You

My problem is much too hard to be solved
'cause practically everything turns out way too involved.
The only exception I know is the case
when I have an answer to things that are found in the class NP
then I suddenly turn and see
a reduction complete.

There's a subgraph in your graph
where the edges, they link up every pair
and nobody's left in the cold
then that is a clique through and through.

I can reduce set independence;
every two nodes that are joined by an edge
are not in the new graph I made,
then I get a clique out of you.

I get a Clique every time I see an NP task before me
I get a Clique though it's clear to see, it's obviously not too easy

Some think Cook's 3SAT is hard
but I'm sure that if I saw every guess
that's nondeterministically made
then I could solve any clique too.

Some things just cannot be solved;
Turing Machines can't try paths all at once.
Richard Karp told us it's true
Independent set's complete too.

And so my proof's at an end
Trying too hard; to find some quicker way
is my idea of foolishness now
cause I sure think Clique's hard to do.

I get a Clique every time I see an NP task before me
I get a Clique though it's clear to see, it's obviously not too easy

And so my proof's at an end
Trying too hard; to find some quicker way
is my idea of foolishness now
cause I sure think Clique's hard to do.

Page by Jordan Ying. Last modified: 2011-06-05