Computer Organization Lecture-2 Return to lecture notes

Memory space extends from the fastest (physically closest,smallest) to slowest (physicaly farthest, largest) to the CPU 

Register and some of the cache memory is glued to the Central Processor Unit (on board) whereas the primary and secondary 
memories as well as other input and output devices are interfaced to it by logic circuits and electrical wires,called buses.
Commercial Computers Example: Compaq EP Series


ISA: Industry Standard Architecture: A bus standard to connect PCs to its peripherals (slow speed: 8 MBytes/second) 
24 address + 16 data + control + clock signals. (circuit switched)
         PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnect: A bus developed by Intel for communication between CPU and its peripherals 
(high speed: up to 1 GByte/second) 32-bit multiplexed address/data + control + clock
(pseudo-circuit switched)
         USB: Universal Standard Bus (Faster than ISA and more flexible- 12 to 480 MBits/second)- VCC, 

GND, D+, D- (packet-switched)

Example: Power Macintosh G4 (Apple Computer)

Design of A Serial Event Processor VESP (Very Simple Processor)




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