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My Strong Structure

by Elise

When I made my strong structure we were using index cards. Angela and I ( Angela's my partner ) were working on a card structure and we wanted to make it as strong as possible. First before we actually started building, we made two different designs and pictures of what we would like it to look like and have on it, then we combined the pictures and worked together to make our structure.

What we did to make our structure work was

(1) First we took 25 index cards from the basket,

(2) then we looked at our picture, we took 2 index cards and taped them together for a base, when we picked it up we realized that it was floppy and easily bending, so we took another card and taped it in the middle, that was better so we moved on.

(3) Next we took a couple of index cards and folded them in half for an even side, we cut them apart and rolled the smaller cards up for pillars, we kept doing that until we had 5 of those smaller pillars

(4) After that we taped them to the base

(5) Our next step was to make an another base and some more pillars, so we did the same thing that we did before.

(6) After we finished making our base and 5 pillars, we taped the base to our structure, then the 5 pillars went on top of our base.

(7) Then we made our last base and taped it on top of the pillars. We were finished and ready to go.