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Our Strong Structure

By Priti and Megan

We made a structure that had many columns. The structure that we made also had diagonal support on the top and beams and columns were used to make a square. We folded the card and taped it down to make a cylinder. We used many cylinders for beams and columns. To make a diagonal support we made four triangles.

When we tested the structure it held 4 kilograms. We kept the weight right on the top of the structure. I was surprised that our structure only held 4 kilograms. I was expecting more because the structure was very strong. The only problem that I found was that it kept on leaning.

We made no changes.

I learned that the structure should have many columns, beams and diagonal supports to make it stronger. I also learned that the structure should not be very tall, the shorter the structure is the stronger it gets. The structure should be very sturdy so it will not lean down.