Grading Sheet for Autobiographical Stamp in
Social Studies
- Price of stamp in neat clear lettering
- USA or United States of America in neat clear lettering ______/5
- Your initials hidden in graphic
- Graphic:
- Good use of media ______/5
- Clean neat graphic ______/5
- Graphic and Paragraph complement
each other ______/25
- Correct computer format (font, spacing, alignment) ______/10
- Paragraph explains graphic
- Language mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar) ______/10
- Written Expression (sentence structure, easy flow of words, style) ______/20
- You MUST include ALL of your draft and edited versions of your paragraph. Ten points will be deducted from your overall grade if they are not included.
- Name ____________________
- Points _______/100
- Other deductions _____
- Total Points ________/100
- Percent/Grade _____% _____
- Other comments:
Mary O'Haver