ABC's of Chile

By 5th and 6th Grade Students and Teachers from San Juan Evangelista School, in Santiago, Chile

February, 1998

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In May of 1997 I was contacted by a teacher, Maria Luz Vera, from San Juan Evangelista School in Santiago, Chile. She had seen the Fairland Web site and was wondering if we would like to exchange e-mail. This would give Maria Luz Vera's students a chance to practice English. Maria is one of the English teachers at the school with a special interest in computers. She even sent us a video from their school where each student had an opportunity to say a few words in English. We ended the e-mail project in June since we were leaving for summer vacation. Many exchanges about hobbies, interest, and favorites were exchanged. Back at Fairland I had give a quick lesson on the seasonal differences due to location on the earth, the teachable moment! Of course they, the kids in Chile, were in school during our summer because it was winter there.

When we came back in September, Maria and I thought it would be nice to do a joint project. I suggested an ABC book on our country or state. She was able to get her students started on an ABC book of Chile. In December the project was not complete and they were getting ready for summer vacation. Maria and some other teachers worked over their summer to get some of the data to me. We hope to finish the project with new students. We are missing some letters and many illustrations but the site will be updated as the data comes in.

By the end of this school year, we will post several ABC books on Maryland, American History, and personal interest topics. In this way we can share our projects with others students in a different of the world.

E-mail exchanges are fun and can be used as an icebreaker, but trying to work on a similar or joint project allows exchanges of information that can be focused towards the curriculum. Another positive is when the students feel they are producing something of interest and value for others to use as a resource.

The students in Chile were very anxious to see their work posted. So, a decision was made to post what we have so far, hopefully, motivating the new students to complete the project. I want to thank all the teachers in Chile that worked during the summer to get the data and translations to me so I could get started on posting the site.

Check it again in a month or so to see if we have added more information.

Index of Pages

San Juan Evangelista School's Mission Statement

Some Chile Sites to Visit

Original content by the students of Maria Luz Vera at San Juan Evangelista School. HTML coding by Mary O'Haver, Fairland Elementary School. Comments, suggestions and questions should be directed to Mrs. O'Haver at
This page was first created on March 23,1998
Last updated March 23, 1998
Template design by Tom O'Haver, March 1996.