Student Projects Examples
Student-Produced Projects
Ready-To-Use Plans and Handouts for Class Projects
"Fairland's students are not just using the Web; they are
helping to build it."
Fairland's students' work is featured in the
The K-5 CyberTrail, an introduction to the Internet
by WMHT, a Public Broadcasting station in New York State, in two places:
Student Web Publishing
and Community Information - Publish with Purpose.
Fairland Elementary School is featured in the Benton
Foundation reports
What's Working in Education and
The Learning Connection: Schools in the Information Age
Fairland is highlighted as a model school in the
Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development's video tape/book series
Teaching & Learning with the Internet
Fairland's entry was a semi-finalist in the
1996 National Information Infrastructure
Awards, one of 20 semi-finalists in the Education Category.
In July, 1996, Fairland was selected a Magellan 3-Star Site, on the basis of
depth of content, ease of exploration, and Net
In November, 1997, Fairland was selected selected by
World Wide Web Associates as a Top Ten winner based on Organization
& Functionality, Graphic Design, Innovation, and Overall
Contribution to the Internet.
Fairland Elementary School was selected a
Learning in Motion Top Ten Selection for November, 1995.
The Franklin Institute Science Museum selected
Fairland Elementary School as their online school of the month, in their
"Caught in the Web" section for December, 1995.
Fairland's Web site is also mentioned on
Electronic Portfolio Bookmarks,
Elemenatry Schools on the Net (MDS Kids Links) ,
links to kids' math sites,
The Internet's Impact in the Classroom ,
Online Art Resources ,
New Directions for Dealing with Copyright,
Links of Interest to Social Studies Educators,
Schools on the Web,
Telecommunications Projects Globally,
Berit's Best Sites for Children,
NEA's Good Schools - good students,
KickStart Initiative: Resources for Communities,
Schools that have a COOL home page,
Our Favorite Schools to Visit,
Pages with a Native Focus,
Sailor: Maryland's online public information network,
Education Resources for Teachers.
This site was developed by Mary O'Haver, 5th grade teacher at Fairland
Elementary School (now retired), and Prof. Thomas O'Haver , Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland,
through the cooperation of the Maryland Collaborative for Teacher Preparation
and the Computer Science Center of the
University of Maryland at College Park.. Questions should be directed to Mary O'Haver at
or Prof. O'Haver at Since the 1998-99 school year, the site
has been maintained by Dawn Hester (
, 5th grade teacher at Fairland Elementary School, and by members of the Fairland PTA..
This Web site was first created on Jan. 7, 1995
Last updated April, 2000