Essays on constructivism and education

Collected by the Maryland Collaborative for Teacher Preparation

Last updated February, 2001

"Powerful Ideas in Physical Science": a Model Course

John W. Layman, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Research papers on knowledge growth in undergraduate mathematics and science teacher education

by: J. Randy McGinnis, Maryland Collaborative for Teacher Preparation

The Role of Representations in Learning an Interdisciplinary Mathematics and Physics University Course

by: Gilli Shama and John Layman, Maryland Collaborative for Teacher Preparation

DRAFT of Frostburg Conceptual Framework Manifesto (36 Kbytes)

by: Genevieve Knight and John Layman, Maryland Collaborative for Teacher Preparation

A Technology-Enhanced Distributed Learning Community for Teacher Preparation

by: Tom O'Haver, Genevieve Knight and Mary O'Haver, Maryland Collaborative for Teacher Preparation

On Constructivism (21 Kbytes)

by: Susan Hanley, Maryland Collaborative for Teacher Preparation

A journey into Constructivism

by Martin Dougiamas

Achieving Conceptual Change Through Interactive Computer Simulations

by Jonathan Scott, Normal Community High School

The Constructivist Zone

by: David T. Crowther, in Electronic Journal of Science Education, Vol. 2, No. 2 - December 1997

How we teach and how students learn - A mismatch?

by: Lillian C. McDermott, in Electronic Journal of Science Education, Vol. 2, No. 2 - December 1997

Constructivist Teaching Strategies (48 Kbytes)

by: Graham Dettrick, Monash University

Education by Engagement and Construction (29 Kbytes)

by: Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland

External Factors Forcing Change on Education: How can they work for us?(20 Kbytes)

by: George Brown, Jr.

Constructivism, Technology, and the Future of Classroom Learning

by: Erik F. Strommen

Cognitive Flexibility, Constructivism, and Hypertext

by: Rand J. Spiro, et. al.

Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning

by: John Seely Brown

Learning Theories

by: Nick Sushkin

The Role of Online Communications in School: A National Study.

Center for Applied Special Technology

An Interpretation Construction Approach to Constructivist Design

John B. Black and Robert O. McClintock

Covert Constructivism

Aric Dershem

Using Cognitive Tools in Interactive Multimedia

Barry Harper

A Manifesto for a Constructivist Approach to Technology in Higher Education.

David Jonassen, Terry Mayes, Ray McAleese

Grazing the Net:Raising a Generation of Free Range Students

Jamie McKenzie

Technology and Education: New Wine in New Bottles: Choosing Pasts and Imagining Educational Futures.

Luyen Chou, Robert McClintock, Frank Moretti, Don H. Nix

Applications and Misapplications of Cognitive Psychology to Mathematics Education.

John R. Anderson, Lynne M. Reder, Herbert A. Simon

A qualitative model for the storage of domain-specific knowledge and its implications for problem-solving

Robert J. Dufresne, William J. Leonard and William J. Gerace

Cognitive aspects of learning and teaching science

Jose P. Mestre

Concept-based problem solving in physics

William J. Leonard, William J. Gerace, Robert J. Dufresne, and Jose P. Mestre

Classtalk: A Classroom Communication System for Active Learning

Robert J. Dufresne, William J. Gerace, William J. Leonard, Jose P. Mestre and Laura Wenk

Establishing Project-Enhanced Classrooms Through Design

Gomez, L.M., Gordin, D.N.

A case study of open-ended scientific inquiry in a technology supported classroom

Gomez, L., Gordin, D., Carlson, P.

Prospects for scientific visualization as an educational technology

Gordin, D.N. & Pea, R.D.

Which way will the wind blow? Networked computer tools for studying the weather

Fishman, B. & D'Amico, L.

Science Education as a Driver of Cyberspace Technology Development

Roy D. Pea, Louis M. Gomez, Daniel C. Edelson

New Tools for Teaching

by James J. O'Donnell, University of Pennsylvania

The Learning Connection: Schools in the Information Age

The Benton Foundation

What's Working in Education

The Benton Foundation

Technology and the New Professional Teacher: Preparing for the 21st Century Classroom


Wired schools: It takes a village

By Courtney Macavinta and Margie Wylie

Technology Counts: Schools and Reform in the Information Age

Education Week

Teachers and Technology: Making the Connection

The Congressional Office of Technology Assessment

Using the World Wide Web to Build Learning Communities in K-12

By Douglas N. Gordin, Louis M. Gomez, Roy D. Pea, Barry J. Fishman

Integrated Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IMaST) program

by: Illinois State University

Constructivist Pedagogy Readings from Columbia's ILT

(bibliograpy with links to on-line sources)

Constructivist Pedagogy Readings from the University of Colorado at Denver

(bibliograpy with links to on-line sources)

ERIC Science and Math Education Online Publications

(collection of on-line essays)

The School Improvement Research Series

Topical Syntheses of research findings and bibliographic information

Selected Procedures for Improving the Science Curriculum

Blosser, Patricia E.; Helgeson, Stanley L.

Current Projects and Activities in K-12 Science Education Curriculum Development

Blosser, Patricia E.

Sources of Information about Promising and Exemplary Programs and Materials for Elementary School Science

Helgeson, Stanley L.; Howe, Robert W.

Systemic Education Reform.

James Thompson

Professional Teacher Development and the Reform Agenda

Dilworth, Mary E.; Imig, David G.

Emerging Student Assessment Systems for School Reform.

Roeber, Edward

The Field of Educational Technology: Update 1995--A Dozen Frequently Asked Questions.

Ely, Donald P.

Infusing Technology into Preservice Teacher Education.

Abdal-Haqq, Ismat

Life and Work in a Technological Society.

Kerka, Sandra

Redesigning Higher Education. Producing Dramatic Gains in Student Learning.

Gardiner, Lion F.

Student Learning Outside the Classroom: Transcending Artificial Boundaries.

Kuh, George D.

Computer Skills for Information Problem-Solving: Learning and Teaching Technology in Context.

Eisenberg, Michael B.; Johnson, Doug


Nancy Paulu with Margery Martin


Patsy F. Kanter

NARST Research Matters - to the Science Teacher