The preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by a grant from
the National Science Foundation (Cooperative Agreement No. DUE 9255745).
In practice, the MCTP undergraduate classes are typically taught by senior
faculty in mathematics, science, and education who make efforts to focus
on developing understanding of a few central concepts and to make connections
between the sciences and between mathematics and science. In some instances
doctoral students who have interned with a faculty member in an MCTP class
and have expressed a ken desire to teach in a reform-based manner also teach
MCTP classes. Faculty strive to infuse technology into their teaching practice,
and to employ a instructional strategies recommended by the literature to
be compatible with the constructivist perspective (e.g., student-centered,
address conceptual change, promote reflection on changes in thinking, and
stress logic and fundamental principles as opposed to memorization of unrelated
facts) (see, for example, Cobb, Wood, Yackel, McNeal, 1992; Driver, 1987).
Faculty lecture is diminished and student-based problem-solving is emphasized
which requires cross-disciplinary mathematical and scientific applications.
The MCTP teacher candidates, selected by using criteria developed at each
institution, take the reformed undergraduate mathematics, science, and education
classes and have the opportunity to participate in summer internships in
mathematics and science rich environments (e.g., museums, zoological parks,
and private companies).
This paper presents a reflection on the research conducted in a longitudinal,
multi-level, multi-dimensional research program charged with documenting
and interpreting the development and implementation of a NSF funded, statewide
teacher preparation program in mathematics and science education. The intent
of the reflection is to contribute toward the researchers' sense making
as the research program enters its fourth year of operation and to offer
insights which interested readers may use in their contexts. Key areas examined
The research team
The research design
The research instruments
The data collection
Data analysis
A call for internal support of research in funded NSF teacher preparation
projects concludes the paper. Interested readers are invited to journey
to the MCTP's homepage on the internet (
to obtain additional text on the MCTP Research Group's efforts (including
copies of previous research reports that expand on points alluded to in
this paper).
The Research Team
The MCTP project leadership, under the direction of Jim Fey, MCTP Project
Director, University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP) appointed J. Randy
McGinnis (science educator), UMCP, and Tad Watanabe (mathematics educator),
Towson State University , to share the leadership of a Research Component
of the MCTP. The guiding notion for this decision was to ensure representation
of both the mathematics education and the science education research domains
in the project's research program (see, McGinnis, Roth-McDuffie, Graeber,
& Watanabe, 1995). This notion was extended in the selection and recruitment
of the two expert research consultants to the group (Catherine Brown, mathematics
education, Indiana University, and Kenneth G. Tobin, science education,
Florida State University). Anna Graeber, mathematics educator, UMCP, agreed
to serve as a mentor to the Research Group.
Reflection : Balancing the research team between the mathematics
and science education research domains has produced a powerful research
team with a vision of teacher preparation research arising from the confluence
of different research lineages bearing on the same issue, teacher preparation.
A significant effect of this complementary research team is the expanded
body of literature (and contact individuals within each domain) from which
to seek guidance and understanding. Another significant effect is the broadened
number of research forums to present and to report the group's research
products (including at the annual meetings of the following research associations
and in their respective journals: Association of Educators of Teachers of
Science, National Association for Research in Science Teaching, National
Science Teachers Association, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
Psychology in Mathematics Education, Research Council on Diagnostic and
Prescriptive Mathematics, and American Educational Research Association).
A somewhat disquieting realization which has also come as a result of this
collaboration in mathematics and science education research has been how
difficult it is under even the best of conditions to broaden one's identity
soley as a "science education researcher" or a "mathematics
education researcher" to create a new research identity that includes
another discipline. We define ourselves in specialized educational research
communities in which we were enculterated and we can readily envision; we
resist replacing those images of ourselves with more expansive identities
that we create through the process of research collaboration with the 'other.'
Currently there is no formally established research community of mathematics
and science educators to support this identity change. Even if there were,
would we be able to participate in it along with our previous research community
responsibilites? These are unresolved issues we ponder in times of reflection.
On a positive note, the experience of collaborative research offers the
unique benefit of challenging us to reflect on what are the similarities
and differences between our research communities. This leds us to better
understand ourselves, each other, and educational research in general.
The Research Design
In essence, the primary purpose of research in the MCTP is directed at knowledge
growth in undergraduate mathematics and science teacher education. The unique
elements of the MCTP (particularly the instruction of mathematical and scientific
concepts and reasoning methods in undergraduate content and methods
courses that model the practice of active, interdisciplinary teaching) are
being documented and interpreted from two foci: the perspectives of the
faculty and the teacher candidate. The research design is longitudinal,
extending throughout the entire four-year undergraduate teacher education
preparation program and the first induction year of the MCTP specialist
teachers. Also, since the scope of the MCTP program is statewide, the design
of the research is multi-level (state, higher education institution, and
individual). And finally, since the researchers composing the MCTP Research
Group are diverse in research discipline backgrounds (mathematics education
and science education) it is multi-dimensional (both faculty and teacher
candidates serve as layers of interpretation, and both research domains
(mathematics and science education are investigated) are documented and
interpreted. Implementation of all components of the research design are
contingent upon the research questions crafted for the program.
The following questions served as the a priori research questions
that were presented to the National Science Foundation in the MCTP grant
1. What is the nature of the faculty and teacher candidates' beliefs and
attitudes concerning the nature of mathematics and science, the interdisciplinary
teaching and learning of mathematics and science to diverse groups (both
on the higher education and upper elementary and middle level), and the
use of technology in teaching and learning mathematics and science?
2. Do the faculty and teacher candidates perceive the instruction in the
MCTP as responsive to prior knowledge, addressing conceptual change, establishing
connections among disciplines, incorporating technology, promoting reflection
on changes in thinking, stressing logic and fundamental principles as opposed
to memorization of unconnected facts, and modeling the kind of teaching/learning
they would like to see on the upper elementary, middle level?
Upon NSF funding, some additional first-year research questions emerged:
(1) Does the integration of mathematics and science content and pedagogical
preparation in their college teacher preparation program lead to curricular
integration of those subjects in teaching opportunities by the specialist
teacher candidates?
(2) Does the strengthened content and pedagogical preparation of the specialist
teacher candidates help them to focus instruction on student conceptual
growth, rather than factual and procedural learning? Also, does it prepare
them to make deeper assessments of the learner's thinking and to choose
instructional responses from an array of options?
(3) Do the science and informal education experiences assist the specialist
teacher candidates in engaging learners in authentic learning investigations?
Do they provide them with pedagogical knowledge and resources for meaningful
motivation of students?
Reflection: These research questions have served the MCTP Research
Group as identifiable landmarks in a sea of collected data as the research
program has progressed over the last three and a half years. While valuing
and employing a liberating and creative "emergent and contingent"
research modus operandi (K.G. Tobin, personal communication, November
10, 1995), the early conceptualization of a limited number of research questions
within the MCTP Research Group has been useful. The initial research conceptualization
has assisted us in focusing on clear targets upon which to direct our energies
and upon which our efforts can be evaluated. This has not restricted our
interest in equally worthwhile emergent research inquires such as investigating
the process of faculty transformation. It has, however, established a core
referent upon which we all feel responsible to contribute.
The Research Instruments
Crafting instruments to assist in collecting relevant data that promise
to inform the key research questions was the first step. It required extensive
energy from the MCTP Research Group. Developing a valid and reliable questionnaire
to measure teacher candidates' attitudes and beliefs toward mathematics
and science and about the teaching of those disciplines became necessary
once an exhaustive review of the literature did not identify any one extant
instrument which had that focus or could efficiently do so within a 15-minute
time constraint (a constraint insisted upon by the project leadership).
The final 48-item instrument took two years to develop in order to ensure
its validity and reliability as a research tool. It is named Attitudes
and Beliefs about the Nature of and the Teaching of Mathematics and Science
and is especially appropriate for use with prospective teachers of mathematics
and science (see, e.g., McGinnis, Shama, Graeber, & Watanabe, 1997a;
Multiple interview protocols for teacher candidates and college faculty
(content specialists and method specialists) also needed to be developed,
peer reviewed, and field tested over the years of the research program's
operation. An additional instrument to use for classroom observations was
also developed and field tested before implementation. Still needed is a
valid and reliable content and process assessment in mathematics and science
to administer at periodic points to the MCTP teacher candidates.
Reflection: This component of the MCTP Research Group's efforts
has taken everyone in the research group by surprise. The time and energy
required to develop valid and reliable research instruments is enormous
and an oftentimes taxing exercise in patience, both among the researchers,
the participants, and the project leadership. The alternative, however,
of using research instruments justifiably open to peer criticism as not
being valid or reliable or not appropriate to inform the research questions
is not viable within a professionally run educational research program.
Hard decisions within the research group on what needs to be done, in which
order, and by whom are necessary to make and can generate tensions among
the collaboration of researchers. There is also the danger of losing sight
of the point of the research program--to answer the research questions--and
to myopically focus exclusively on the development of the research instruments
as if that were the main point of the research program. The MCTP Research
Group has progressed through these issues by carving the research into areas
of mutual responsibility (instrument development and data collection) and
areas of individual research interests (i.e., faculty discourse analysis,
faculty modeling, faculty and teacher candidate case studies) with some
sense of equity guiding individual time and energy expenditure. Periodic
reviews of the research program by the NSF and the project leadership have
also served to reorient the direction of the research group so that answering
the landmark research questions remain the central focus of the research.
We have learned the value of using previously developed data collection
instruments and are currently searching the literature for some valid and
reliable instruments to measure the mathematics and science content the
teacher candidates hold when they begin their senior-level methods classes.
The "Group Test of Logical Thinking" (GALT) will satisfy the need
to assess science process skills (Roadrangka, Yeany, & Padilla, 1982).
Readers aware of any appropriate instruments to assess mathematics and science
content and mathematics process skills are requested to contact the first
author of this paper.
The Data Collection
Since this was a statewide research effort, with eight institutions of higher
learning participating in the project, obtaining permission to collect data
and then enacting implementing strategies to collect the data also required
ongoing attention and much energy. Procedures for administration of the
questionnaire, the interview protocols, and collection of data artifacts
also needed to be developed and approved for use by multiple committees
charged with ensuring the safety of human subjects throughout the University
of Maryland Higher Education System.
Reflection: Obtaining ongoing instructor cooperation to administer
the project's questionnaire in MCTP classes at the beginning and at the
end of each semester was essential. Sending the materials out to them from
the MCTP office with an accompanying letter that emphasized the commitment
the project made to engage in continuous research efforts facilitated this
data collection. Interviewers to conduct teacher candidate interviews twice
a semester were recruited from the pool of practicing teachers participating
in the project. The NSF project's funding was essential to remunerate them
for their participation and to pay for the voluminous taped data to be transcribed.
Data Analysis
Since this study employed complementary research methods (Jaeger, 1988),
quantitative, qualitative, and discourse analysis, data analysis in each
domain was required. Each is summarized below.
Quantitative. A fundamental assumption of the MCTP is that changes
in pre-secondary level mathematics and science educational practices require
reform within the undergraduate mathematics and science subject matter and
education classes teacher candidates take throughout their teacher preparation
programs. A second assumption is that MCTP teacher candidates who take reformed
undergraduate mathematics, science, and method classes that are informed
by the constructivist epistemology (i.e., learners actively construct knowledge
through interaction with their surroundings and experiences, and learners
interpret these experiences based on prior knowledge) (see, for example,
von Glasersfeld, 1987, 1990) develop more positive attitudes and beliefs
toward mathematics and science and the teaching of those subjects. A third
assumption is that throughout the MCTP teacher preparation programs the
active collaboration among college faculty, public school personnel, and
colleagues in work environments rich in mathematics and science will prepare
the teacher candidates to successfully teach diverse students.
To test these assumptions, the documentation of the MCTP teacher candidates'
attitudes and beliefs toward and about the learning of and the teaching
of mathematics and science throughout their undergraduate years was recognized
as essential to perform. In addition, since a major component of the MCTP
includes a commitment to infuse technology in the teaching and learning
of mathematics and science, the documentation of how this is enacted on
the college-level and how this influenced the teacher candidates' attitudes
and beliefs also became crucial to report. The documentation system designed
includes on-going teacher candidate interviews, classroom observations,
and a regularly administered instrument in all MCTP classes to all students.
Therefore, the following research questions using quantitative methodologies
are being investigated:
1. Is there a difference between the MCTP teacher candidates' and the non-MCTP
teacher candidates' attitude toward:
(i) mathematics and science?
(ii) the interdisciplinary teaching and learning of mathematics and science?
(iii) the use of technology in teaching and learning mathematics and science?
2. Is there a difference between the MCTP teacher candidates' and the non-MCTP
teacher candidates' beliefs toward:
(i) the nature of mathematics and science?
(ii) the interdisciplinary teaching and learning of mathematics and science?
(iii) the use of technology in teaching and learning mathematics and science?
Answers to these questions are particularly relevant to two domains of widespread
interest in mathematics and science teacher preparation. The first domain
is in documenting what attitudes and beliefs elementary/middle level teacher
candidates develop during their undergraduate college programs toward the
nature of and the learning/ teaching of subject matter. This information
will enable those interested in mathematics and science teacher preparation
to construct more valid attitudinal and belief profiles of a typical major.
With that information teacher educators will be better able to understand
teacher candidates at discrete levels of their program. The second domain
is in better understanding the effect of systemic effort throughout the
entire undergraduate subject matter and pedagogy teacher preparation program
to institute reforms advocated by current thinking in the mathematics and
science professional communities. This information will enable those interested
in mathematics and science teacher preparation to more accurately predict
the consequences of enacting advocated reform practices.
Items for the instrument needed to measure constructs within the affective,
belief, and epistemological areas to inform the research questions include:
attitudes toward and beliefs about mathematics and science, interdisciplinary
teaching and learning of mathematics and science, and the use of technology
to teach and learn mathematics and science. Sections of the instrument that
were verified by Factor Analysis dealt with beliefs about
mathematics and science; attitudes toward mathematics and science; beliefs
about teaching mathematics and science; attitudes toward learning to teach
mathematics and science; and attitudes toward teaching mathematics and science.
The instrument includes two groups of items. One group consists of thirty-two
items that are to be answered by all students. The other group consists
of nine items that are to be answered only by those intending to teach.
The pre-planned sub-scales were verified on each group of items separately,
using principle-components factor-analysis, with varimax rotation. The reliability
of each of the five sub-groups in the instrument was examined by Cronbach's
alpha (n =486, =.76). For each of the five
groups, a variable Xi was defined as the mean of scores on items
in the group.
Another factor that was further extracted from each of the five groups is
linked to the classification of most items into pairs. Each pair included
two corresponding items, one from the mathematics discipline, and the other
from the science discipline. Paired items were then also examined for reliability.
Reflection: The use of this research methodology, while initially
viewed as a necessary yet unexciting area of research by members of the
research team, is proving to be essential in the effort to paint a landscape
picture of the attitudes and beliefs of college students in Maryland (both
of teacher candidates and other majors) toward the disciplines of mathematics
and science and the teaching of those disciplines. In addition, the instrument
development was exhaustive and rigorous and offers both the mathematics
and the science education research communities a valid and reliable instrument
available for use in differing contexts. However, we have learned that the
crafting of a survey instrument to measure these constructs and then the
analyzing of the results in a statistically valid manner requires much expertise
that takes considerable time to develop. Our recommendation to other research
groups is to recruit associate members to the core research team who have
the specialized expertise in questionnaire development and quantitative
data analysis early in the research program. This is a structured
research strategy with highly developed rules and procedures that requires
expert attention to be successful and not excessively tax the energy of
the research team.
Qualitative. The interpretative research methods employed in this
on-going five-year study are guided by Alasuutari (1995), Erickson (1986),
and LeCompte, Millory, & Preissle (1992). The intent is to focus on
"the meanings of actions, as defined by the actors' points of view
" (Erickson, 1986, p.119). It is conducted within a constructivist
paradigm which is guided by an associated set of ontological, epistemological,
and methodological beliefs (Guba & Lincoln, 1989). Namely, as investigators,
we assume that there are multiple realities which can be socially constructed,
ours would be but one. And, we believe that our findings will be knowledge
claims or constructions which we negotiate among ourselves by using the
data we collected in the setting in which we worked.
Data are currently being analyzed throughout the study by the principal
investigators and doctoral education students. The analysis and interpretation
process consists of reading and examining collected data placed in the NUD.IST
environment and formulating tentative assertions that are being negotiated
among the investigators. These tentative assertions are being tested by
many sources in the data set. This iterative process of phases of interpretation,
critique, and reanalysis is a hermeneutic cycle that results in the emergence
of joint constructions of one possible view of the intending teachers' discussion
and actions during their undergraduate classes.
Preliminary analysis of the wealth of data from the first two years of this
research study (there exists approximately a year's delay in the analysis
of data due to the time needed to collect and then process the data into
formats amenable to analysis tools and strategies) indicates that there
are intriguing regularities in the participants' attitudes, beliefs, and
performances. These findings are reported in depth in other research reports
(see, e.g., King & McDuffie, 1996; McGinnis, Graeber, Roth-McDuffie,
Huntley, & King, 1996; Roth-McDuffie, McGinnis, & Watanabe, 1996;
Watanabe, McGinnis, & Huntley, 1996; Watanabe, McGinnis, & Roth-McDuffie,
1997). In addition, several manuscripts based on these findings are under
review for journal publication in the Journal of Research in Science
Teaching, the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,
and School Science and Mathematics.
Reflection: The use of this research methodology has been particularly
effective in providing the researchers with participant voices from throughout
the project. These voices are used to construct a coherent story of the
project in general to share with those interested in this NSF teacher preparation
project. The voices are also used in case studies of individual faculty
members and college students participating in the project. Themes of how
the faculty perceive each other's role in teacher preparation, how they
perceive making connections between mathematics and science, what constraints
they see in implementing courses that emphasize connections between mathematics
and science, and how individual faculty members and teacher candidates perceive
the enactment of MCTP reforms are some of the analytical constructs that
have emerged.
These stories, while cogently telling the MCTP story, have also produced
some tensions within the Research Group and within the project. The selection
of case study individuals is difficult. Should only the "success"
stories be told or should also the less than ideal situations be documented
and interpreted? Who gives permission to being revealed among peers as a
teacher in need of assistance in a teacher preparation program, less than
successful in implementing the project's reforms? What researcher desires
to have colleagues unhappy with their depiction in a case study? How can
the researchers resist the prevailing hope of the project leadership that
this project will be successful? Insisting upon the use of pseudonyms for
faculty to protect the confidentiality of them and their students strikes
some as unnecessary, even counter to their goal of being recognized by their
peers, yet needs to be done. These are some of the salient issues which
must be expected to arise in research projects of this scope. Maintaining
a vision of conducting oneself as an ethically bound professional researcher
oftentimes is the only guidance one has in these matters, as insufficient
as that may sound, or feel, in particular situations.
Discourse. Discourse as used in this study is defined as the dynamic
interplay of dialogue between individuals that includes the use of rules
developed by certain groups of people (Gee, 1990). The focus on discourse
in this study is the result of recent theoretical views that stress the
importance of the context in which members of a community communicate (Greeno,
1991; Rogoff, 1990; Roth & Tobin, 1996). Conversations, or `talk,' is
recognized as a particularly revealing resource in analyzing social interactions
for patterns of sense-making in a community (Lemke, 1990; McCarthy, 1994).
The assumption made is that this form of analysis particularly will assist
in understanding the college teaching faculty's beliefs and actions taken
in designing and teaching undergraduate teacher preparatory science classes
in which connections between mathematics and science is a major goal. Research
in teacher beliefs and actions have been a major focus of teacher education
research since Clark and Peterson (1986) and Munby (1986) alerted the research
community to its importance in understanding teaching practice.
In the MCTP, the large speech community consists of college faculty members
who teach revised mathematics and science undergraduate content classes
at universities, colleges, and community colleges in Maryland. Mathematics
and science content expertise and an expressed interest in reforming content
classes for MCTP teacher candidates define the criteria membership in the
teaching faculty speech community. Sharing ideas on the role of mathematics
and science in MCTP undergraduate content is a conversation referent. In
each of these speech, or discourse communities there are two groups: discipline
content experts (termed 'mathematician or science content specialists' by
the conversants in this study's speech community) and pedagogy content experts
(termed 'mathematics or science methods specialists' by the conversants
in this study's speech community) (see, McGinnis & Watanabe, 1996).
Reflection: The use of this research methodology has assisted the
researchers in conceptualizing the components of the community which defines
the MCTP. It is used to visualize the discourse landscape college mathematics
and science teachers inhabit when the referent in their thinking is science
and mathematics, two disciplines the MCTP project hopes to connect. A similar
analysis is currently being conducted focusing on the college student participants.
Researchers should be prepared for individual members from discourse communites
to disagree with statements made by other members of the same discourse
community. This can elict much heated discussion if a member check is performed
in a group setting, since it reveals the diversity of thought within a group
that defines itself as a community. Some members may even question the validity
of the data since not all members of the discourse community may be present
to acknowledge their statements. It is therefore recommended to other research
groups to emphasize to the participants that the intent of the discourse
anaylsis is to document commonalities and differences within a discourse
community. The goal of the research is not to promote a single voice for
the discourse community. However, the process of documenting the voices
within a community and the sharing of those voices with the members may
lead some within the discourse community to pursue this goal.
Action Research. Action research is also being conducted within this
project. Research on practice by practitioners is termed action research
(LeCompte, Millroy, & Preissle, 1992), classroom research (Stenhouse,
1975), practical enquiry (Richardson, 1994), or teacher-research (Fleischer,
1995). Its primary goal is to promote a self-reflective analysis that can
improve teaching practice. Action research as used in this study is guided
by the tenets advocated by Collins (1995) and Gore and Zeicher (1991). It
proceeds in a cycle of four steps: planning, enacting, observing the plan,
and reflection.
Several MCTP professors of education are investigating their own teaching
practices of MCTP candidates (see, e.g., Watanabe & Kinach, 1997). Since
these studies involve an in-depth examination of a phenomena, they will
be reported as case studies (Stake, 1995). The case study methodology enables
the researchers to develop an in-depth story which provides a framework
from which other teacher researchers can reflect on their experiences and
which can inform future research (Romberg, 1992).
Reflection. It is anticipated that this research methodology will
add a strong emic flavor to the program. The primary focus of these studies
is to document and interpret the methods professors' innovation in practices
guided by the goals of the MCTP. MCTP mathematics and science methods specialists
with expertise in action research are ideally suited to conducted these
studies of teaching practice innovation. However, these studies once again
require the researchers to face difficult ethical questions. How can one
who is intimately involved with the project avoid the bias of depicting
their personal teaching experiences as a success? How can one whose identity
in the project is based on expertise in teaching practice seem to be less
than successful in implementing the project's reforms? How comfortable is
it to comment on the preparation of the project's teacher candidates if
they are not found to be positively impacted by the project influenced subject
matter courses? Acknowledging these tensions by recruiting a co-researcher
who is not a member of the project to assist with the action research study
is one way we have found to guard against these biases. Other research groups
should also anticipate these type of issues and consider actions they can
take to maintain the integrity of their research effort.
This paper presents compelling evidence that the MCTP Research Group
has been active in carrying out a needed research program in a NSF funded
mathematics and science teacher education project. It also presents some
of the research team's learning in practice. Currently there are a dearth
of reports on the process of conducting research within these large-scale
teacher education projects. While conducting research within the MCTP project,
the researchers have oftentimes collaborated with individuals representing
other NSF Collaboratives and funded teacher enhancement projects. Surprisingly,
the MCTP is distinguished among its peer projects in its organizational
chart by including an internal Research Group and by budgeting ongoing financial
support for its operation. This ongoing funding, no more than 4% of the
entire project's funding, has enabled this project to develop a research
program that is actively contributing to the knowledge base on teacher education
in mathematics and science. The research products from the Research Group
will serve as one of the lasting legacies of the MCTP. This strongly suggests
that the MCTP's model of a NSF funded project supporting research within
itself is a viable model that calls for replication throughout the NSF and
other funding agencies, particularly in critical areas such as mathematics
and science teacher preparation projects.
The researchers within the MCTP research team would like to acknowledge
the ongoing support given to them by the MCTP Principal Investigators, Jim
Fey, Genevieve Knight, John Layman, Tom O'Haver, and Jack Taylor, the MCTP
Executive Director, Susan Boyer, and by the many faculty , teacher candidates,
and cooperating classroom teacher participants in the MCTP project.
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The first and second authors would like to acknowledge the support to
the MCTP Research Group provided by some talented and hardworking doctoral
students in mathematics education: Amy Roth-McDuffie, Steve Kramer, Mary
Ann Huntley, and Karen King. In addition, Gilli Shama, a visiting Israeli
mathematics educator, assisted the Research Group with quantitative research
analysis expertise during the 1995-1996 year.
The preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by a grant from
the National Science Foundation (Cooperative Agreement No. DUE 9255745).