What do the many different uses of the word "model" have in common?
What do you imagine the phrase "mathematical model" might mean?
2. Based on your experimental results:
3. Describe some other familiar situations involving related variable quantities and identify the manipulated and responding variables.
number sequence.
1. Think of problems that might be faced in those industries that would involve essentially the same mathematical issues as the three questions posed about highway networks.
2. The interstate highway network and the simpler "road" network diagram are not drawn to exact scale, but significant information is indicated on the diagrams. In what sense does the network diagram still act as a model of the real highway system?
3. As you worked on the interstate road network questions, in what ways did you apply information about U. S. geography not actually given on the diagram--information and insights that would be hard to communicate to a computer procedure for finding shortest paths and networks?
What factors will affect sales at such a shoe store on a given day?
1. Would it be fair for the manager to judge you as an ineffective salesperson?
2. If another salesperson actually sold to 8 of 15 customers, would it be fair to judge that salesperson as especially effective?
There is a simple way to study the questions posed in (1) and (2)--to see whether the differences in sales results are due to skill of the salesperson or just the result of random variation in customers who happened to walk in the store. The next page shows a small table of random digits. It was formed by picking digits 0, 1, 2, ... , 9 one at a time as in a lottery drawing where the balls are replaced after each selection.
01159 63267 10632 48391 31751 57260 68980 05339 26665 55823 47641 86225
31704 88492 99382 14454 04504 66821 41575 49767 04037 30934 47744 07481
83828 59404 72059 43947 51680 43852 59693 78212 16993 35902 91386 48509
23929 27482 45476 04515 25624 95096 67946 16930 33361 15470 48355 88651
22596 83761 60873 43253 8414 20368 07126 20094 98977 74843 93413 14387
06345 80854 09279 41196 37480 61199 67940 55121 29821 59076 07936 11087
96294 14013 31792 87315 56303 08337 52701 93779 76355 98936 00911 90872
18627 00441 58997 14060 40619 29549 69616 57275 36898 81304 48585 32624
68691 14845 46672 61958 77100 20857 73156 70284 24326 65961 73488 41839
55382 17267 70943 15633 84924 90415 93614 99782 93478 53152 67433 35663
52972 38688 32486 45134 63545 59820 96163 78851 16499 87064 13075 73035
41207 74699 09310 56699 31048 43905 47431 72681 55387 77463 26313 91035
1. How would you vary the random digit shoe shopper simulation for another store where the typical fraction of buyers was 3 out of 5?
2. How would you design a simulation of shoe shopping if you didn't have a
table of random digits, but you did have:
3. How could you design a simulation to answer the following kind of question:
In 1994 the Baltimore Orioles won about 3 out of every 5 games they played. However, in one stretch they lost 4 in a row. Were they in a slump then, or was that something that could be expected to occur?
4. Jury selection in major trials is a very controversial process. Both prosecution and defense want juries that will favor their cases. Suppose that in a case of spouse abuse the jury that was finally selected had only 4 women and 8 men.