Evaluation Questionnaire

Please return this form to Russell@chem.ucla.edu.  GO BACK to the conference home page.

On a scale of 1 - 10 with 10 highest please evaluate

(1)  What is your overall rating of this conference?

(2)  The appropriateness of the topic "Faculty Rewards and the 
Scholarship of Teaching" for an electronic-format conference.

(3)  How interesting did you find: Paper 1, by Felder? (10 = very interesting)

(4)                                Paper 2, by Feisel?

(5)                                Paper 3, by Doyle?

(6)                                Paper 4, by Freilich and Legg?

(5) How valuable did you find bringing the Engineering Education and
Chemical Education communities together?

(6)  How appropriate was the lenghth of time set up for each paper? 
(1 = too short, 10 = too much)

(7)  How convenient was October for you for the conference? (1 = terrible,
10 = as good as it will ever be)  (Please give your preferred month for
such a conference.)

(8)  For this conference did you read:
                          all the papers  (Yes, No)
                          all the discussion  (Yes, No)

(9)  Would you sign up for another electronic mail conference?  (Yes, No)

(10)  What other topics would you like discussed in this format?

(11)  What did you like most about this conference?

(12)  What did you like least about the conference?