This is a model for an operational amplifier in the non-inverting "follower" configuration (with Eplus as the input voltage). Typically the open loop gain A and the differential input resistance Rin are fixed by the choice of operational amplifier. This model requires an iterative solution; the "guess" variable can be Eout or Eminus.
In the example variable sheet shown below, a non-inverting amplifier with a closed-loop gain of 1000 is simulated. With R2=100KOhms, the model predicts that R1 must be 99.098107 Ohms. Note that the effective input resistance of the amplifier (from Eplus to ground) is 100 MOhm, much greater than the differential input resistance (between the inputs) of 1 MOhm, due to the negative feedback.
Variable Sheet _________________________________________________________________________________ St Input Name Output Unit Comment Eout 1 volts Output voltage (volts,mV,µV) 100000 A open loop gain (unitless ratio) 1 Eplus mV non-inverting input (volts,mV,µV) Eminus .99 mV inverting input (volts,mV,µV) Iin .01 nA differential input current (Amps,mA,µA,n 1 Rin MOhms differential input resistance (Ohms,KOhm R1 99.098107 Ohms resistor from - input to ground (Ohms,KO 100 R2 KOhms feedback resistor (Ohms,KOhms,MOhms) Zin 100 MOhms effective input resistance (Ohms,KOhms,M I1 .00000999 Amps Current in R1 (Amps,mA,µA,nA) If .00000999 Amps Current in R2 (Amps,mA,µA,nA) 1000 Gain Closed loop gain (unitless ratio) Rule Sheet _________________________________________________________________________________ S Rule Eout=A*(Eplus-Eminus) "Basic op amp equation Eminus=Eout*R1/(R1+R2) "Voltage divider feedback to Eminus Iin=(Eplus-Eminus)/Rin "Ohms Law for differential input resistance Zin=Eplus/Iin "Ohms Law for effective input resistance I1=Iin+If "Kirchoff's Law for current Eminus=I1*R1 "Ohms Law for R1 Gain=Eout/Eplus "definition of closed loop gain