Fire Protection Engineering
College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change Program

One of my favorite Senior Pictures!
Hello, my name is Sarah and I am a freshman in UMD's Fire Protection Engineering program. I am currently a part of the Society for Fire Protection Engineering, College Park Scholars, Culinary Club and the Crochet club here on campus! I have a puppy at home and would love to join a club dedicated to raising future service dogs, however I am more interested in having them for a few hours from time to time instead of a full commitment. So far I love my major and the groups I am a part of and I hope to become a part of FPE's honor society in my junior year. I would love to intern at NASA's jet propulsion labs, as I find fire protection in low oxygen places to be very interesting.
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- Natural History Museum Excursion Report
- Expectation vs. Reality Essay
- National Air and Space Musuem Excursion Report
- Carbon Footprint Infographic
External Links:
My Instagram!