Hearing and Speech Sciences
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences-Hearing and Speech Sciences

Headshot of the portfolio creator!
Email: sskinne1@terpmail.umd.edu
Hello, and welcome to my website! My name is Sophia Skinner and I am a university of Maryland College Park Scholar in the Science and Global Change program. I have lived in Maryland my entire life with my parents and an older sister who is in college now as well. Growing up I had always excelled in my science classes, and over the past few years, I have developed a love for working with children. As a result, I have decided that I want to combine these two things and pursue a career as a children's speech pathologist, or an audiologist. I picked hearing and speech as my major because I knew it would allow me to enter one of my careers of interest, however, I also have many interests beyond the contents of my major. Climate change is a topic I am very passionate about and eager to stay informed on, and so this led me to the Science and Global Change scholars program. This particular program seemed like the obvious choice for me simply because I want to become more aware of the ways in which our planet is changing and how this connects to our current climate crisis. I think this is a very important topic and by educating young students such as myself on it, our society as a whole can work towards longterm solutions. Overall, I am excited for all of the new and exciting things I will be learning about throughout my time at UMD.
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- Gallery images for SGC event
- Expectation Vs. Reality Essay
- Freshmen Time-Capsule Essay
- Carbon Footprint Infographic
- Virtual Excursion Reports
- 3-Semester Review
- Practicum Testimonial Video
- 2024 Scholars Showcase Poster
- Internship Practicum Reflection Essay
External Links:
BSOS undergraduate blog.