Homepage of Sam Lidz

I am a fourth year undergraduate student studying math at the University of Maryland. I am interested in algebraic geometry, especially moduli spaces. I also enjoy board games, rock climbing, and playing the guitar.

Email me at umd.edu via slidz. You can find a version of my CV here.

Upcoming Events


In the 2023-2024 academic year, I was a teaching assistant for calculus (calc I in the fall and calc II in the spring). I led a discussion section of ~25 students, where I provided both worked examples and guidance as they worked on problems in groups. I graded discussion worksheets, quizzes, and exams.

In Fall 2022, I designed and taught a one credit math course with Ezra Aylaian, which explored the ways that math and the philosophy of math interact. We studied platonism, formalism, intuitionism and constructivism, finitism, and structuralism; arguments for and against each; and the varied mathematical systems arising from them. The course culminated with student presentations about various topics in the philosophy of math. A news article was written about our course (MATH 299R) and another student-run math course.


  1. Intersections of real symmetric hypersurfaces, with Zachary Lihn and Adam Melrod (ArXiV link)

Talks and Notes

  1. Intersections of real symmetric hypersurfaces. Math Club at UMD, September 23, 2024.
  2. Symmetric Bezout's theorem, PCMI Experimental Math Lab presentation with Adam Melrod and Zachary Lihn.
  3. Partial notes from my Commutative Algebra class presentation, covering some examples of rings exhibiting surprising behavior.
  4. What's hat got to do with it? A hat trick of prisoner hat puzzles. Math Club at UMD, April 3, 2023. [Slides]
  5. Visualizing the hyperbolic plane. Guest speaker at Montgomery Blair High School logic math class, October 6, 2022 & March 14, 2022

Past events attended

You may have met me here!


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