
My research investigates how firms foster knowledge creation and commercialization, with a particular focus on the role of organization in this process.  I also research how firm ownership and organization affect the firm's investment horizons and environmental performance.

My central questions are: does organization matter? If so, what is the role of organization in firm performance and how can it be best used to overcome coordination challenges and achieve technology development goals? How does organization influence firm investment patterns in long term projects such as R&D or energy efficiency?

In my work detailed below, I explore how firms organize their R&D activities and the consequences of their choices. My work shows that organization and ownerhship does matter for firm performance in significant ways. Further, this research challenges traditional assumptions that firm capabilities alone drive performance and that organization is a less important consideration.

Working Papers

"Public vs. Private Firms: Energy efficiency, toxic emissions and abatement spending." (with Y. Maggie Zhou)
>> Abstract

"Evidence of Short-termism in US Capital Markets: 1982-2013." (with Yuan Shi)
>> Abstract 
>> Paper

"Licensing University Inventions to Startups and Established Firms" (with Brent Goldfarb and Arvids Ziedonis)
>> Abstract


"Contract Structure for Joint Production: Risk and Ambiguity under Compensatory Damages," (with Michael Ryall) Forthcoming, Management Science
>> Abstract 
>> Paper

"Arms Race or Detente? How Interfirm Alliance Announcements Change the Stock Market Valuation of Rivals." (with Joanne Oxley and Brian Silverman) Management Science (2009) Vol. 55(8): 1321-37
>> Abstract 
>> Paper

"Formal Contracts in the Presence of Relational Enforcement Mechanisms: Evidence from Technology Development Contracts" (with Michael Ryall) Management Science (2009) Vol. 55(6):906-25
>> Abstract
>> Paper

"R&D Alliances & Firm Performance: The Impact of Technological Diversity and Alliance Organization on Innovation." Academy of Management Journal  (2007) Vol.50(2): 364-386
>> Abstract
>> Paper

"The Cost of Misaligned Governance in R&D Alliances." Journal of Law, Economics and Organization
(2004) Vol.20(2): 484-526
>> Abstract
>> Paper

"Experience Effects and Collaborative Returns in R&D Alliances."  Strategic Management Journal (2004) Vol.26(11): 1009-31
>> Abstract
>> Paper

"Organizational Choice in R&D Alliances: Knowledge Based and Transaction Cost Perspectives." Managerial and Decision Economics (2004) Vol.25: 421-36
>> Abstract
>> Paper

"The Scope and Governance of Knowledge-Sharing Alliances." (with Joanne Oxley) Strategic Management Journal (2004) Vol.25(8-9): 723-49
>> Abstract
>> Paper

"Do Prior Alliances Influence Contract Structure?" (with Michael Ryall) in Strategic Alliances: Governance and Contracts (2006) A. Arino & J. Reuer (eds.) London: Palgrave Macmillan.
>> Abstract
>> Paper

"The Role of Lawyers in Strategic Alliances." Case Western Law Review (2003) Vol. 53: 909-27
>> Abstract
>> Paper

"The Effects of the Uruguay Round: Empirical Evidence from US Industry." (with Jack Mutti and Bernard Yeung) Contemporary Economic Policy (2000) Vol. 18(1): 59-69.
>> Abstract
>> Paper