import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # simply draws a thin-lens at the provided location # parameters: # - z: location along the optical axis (in mm) # - f: focal length (in mm, can be negative if div. lens) # - diam: lens diameter in mm # - lbl: label to identify the lens on the drawing # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def add_lens(z, f, diam, lbl): ww, tw, rad = diam / 10.0, diam/3.0, diam / 2.0 plt.plot([z, z], [-rad, rad], 'k', linewidth=2) plt.plot([z, z+tw], [-rad, -rad+np.sign(f)*ww], 'k', linewidth=2) plt.plot([z, z-tw], [-rad, -rad+np.sign(f)*ww], 'k', linewidth=2) plt.plot([z, z+tw], [ rad, rad-np.sign(f)*ww], 'k', linewidth=2) plt.plot([z, z-tw], [ rad, rad-np.sign(f)*ww], 'k', linewidth=2) plt.plot([z+f, z+f], [-ww,ww], 'k', linewidth=2) plt.plot([z-f, z-f], [-ww,ww], 'k', linewidth=2) plt.text(z,rad+5.0, lbl, fontsize=12) plt.text(z,rad+2.0, 'f='+str(int(f)), fontsize=10) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # geometrical propagation of light rays from given source # parameters: # - p0: location of the source (z0, x0) along and off axis (in mm) # - NA: numerical aperture of the beam (in degrees) # - nr: number of rays to trace # - zl: array with the location of the lenses # - ff: array with the focal length of lenses # - lbl: label for the nature of the source # - col: color of the rays on plot # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def propagate_beam(p0, NA, nr, zl, ff, lbl='', col='b'): apa = NA*np.pi/180.0 z0 = p0[0] if (np.size(p0) == 2): x0 = p0[1] else: x0 = 0.0 zl1, ff1 = zl[(z0 < zl)], ff[(z0 < zl)] nl = np.size(zl1) # number of lenses zz, xx, tani = np.zeros(nl+2), np.zeros(nl+2), np.zeros(nl+2) tan0 = np.tan(apa/2.0) - np.tan(apa) * np.arange(nr)/(nr-1) for i in range(nr): tani[0] = tan0[i] # initial incidence angle zz[0], xx[0] = z0, x0 for j in range(nl): zz[j+1] = zl1[j] xx[j+1] = xx[j] + (zz[j+1]-zz[j]) * tani[j] tani[j+1] = tani[j] - xx[j+1] / ff1[j] zz[nl+1] = zmax xx[nl+1] = xx[nl] + (zz[nl+1]-zz[nl]) * tani[nl] plt.plot(zz, xx, col) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAIN PROGRAM # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- plt.clf() zmin, zmax = -100., 1600. xmin, xmax = -25, 25 bignum, smallnum = 1e6, 1e-6 # all distances expressed in mm # ------------------------------------ # location + focal length of optics # ------------------------------------ zl = np.array([250.0, 700.0, 1000.0, 1200.0, 1342.0]) # lens positions ff = np.array([250.0, 200.0, 100.0, 100.0, 35.0]) # lens focal length xsrc, zsrc, zpup = 2.0 , 0.0, -bignum # position of src and pupil srcpos = (zsrc, xsrc) # draw the different beams # -------------------------- propagate_beam(srcpos, 4, 500, zl, ff, 'src1', 'b') propagate_beam((0.0, -2.), 4, 20, zl, ff, 'src1', 'r') propagate_beam((zpup,), 0.0005, 20, zl, ff, 'src1', 'g') propagate_beam((110,), 2, 40, zl, ff, 'DM', 'y') # print a couple labels # -------------------------- plt.text(0, 20, 'src 1', bbox=dict(facecolor='blue', alpha=1), fontsize=10) plt.text(0, 17, 'src 2', bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=1), fontsize=10) plt.text(0, 14, 'pupil', bbox=dict(facecolor='green', alpha=1), fontsize=10) plt.text(0, 11, 'DM', bbox=dict(facecolor='yellow', alpha=1), fontsize=10) # add the lenses # ------------------------- for i in range(np.size(zl)): add_lens(zl[i], ff[i], 25, "L"+str(i)) # plot optical axis # ------------------------- plt.plot([zmin,zmax], [0,0], 'k') plt.axis([zmin,zmax, xmin, xmax]) plt.title("Example of brilliant optical design!")