#comments This is a study of a small static storage ring. This MARYLIE run will analyze the half turn transfer map, and then track multiple half turns through the lattice. #beam 4.8691481317597 0.8494258478922 1.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 #menu drvs drft 0.300000000000000D+00 drs drft 0.450000000000000D+00 drml drft 0.148646000000000D+01 drl drft 0.228646000000000D+01 bend pbnd 0.360000000000000D+02 0 .5 0.120000000000000D+01 hfq quad 0.500000000000000D+00 0.313000000000000D+01 1 1 hdq quad 0.500000000000000D+00 -0.192000000000000D+01 1 1 hcs sext 0.500000000000000D+00 0.265000000000000D+01 vcs sext 0.500000000000000D+00 -0.501000000000000D+01 fileout pmif 0.100000000000000D+01 0.120000000000000D+02 0.300000000000000D+01 mapout ptm 0.300000000000000D+01 0.300000000000000D+01 0.000000000000000D+00 0.000000000000000D+00 0.100000000000000D+01 raysin rt 0.130000000000000D+02 0.140000000000000D+02 0.00000000000000D+00 0.000000000000000D+00 0.000000000000000D+00 0.000000000000000D+00 track rt 0.000000000000000D+02 0.140000000000000D+02 0.500000000000000D+01 0.310000000000000D+03 0.100000000000000D+01 0.000000000000000D+00 chrom tasm 0.200000000000000D+01 0.100000000000000D-02 0.100000000000000D+01 0.000000000000000D+00 0.300000000000000D+01 0.000000000000000D+00 iden iden fin end #lines nsex 1*drl 1*hdq 1*drs 1*bend 1*drs & 1*hfq 1*drl tsex 1*drl 1*hdq 1*drs 1*bend 1*drs & 1*hfq 1*drvs 1*hcs 1*drml lsex 1*drml 1*vcs 1*drvs 1*hdq 1*drs & 1*bend 1*drs 1*hfq 1*drl half 1*nsex 1*tsex 1*lsex 1*nsex 1*nsex ring 2*half #lumps #loops #labor 1*fileout 1*raysin 1*half 1*chrom 1*mapout 1*track 1*fin