Mechanical Engineering
The University of Maryland
College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change Program

Ryan Larkin with his friend Kalyn on a Scholars trip to DC.
Hello, I am Ryan Larkin, a freshman mechanical engineering major at the University of Maryland College Park. I am a new member of the College Park Scholars program under the discipline of Science and Global Change. I chose this program because I am very interested in working in sustainability and/or clean energy after earning my degree. Although I am new to campus, I have begun to involve myself in clubs such as UMD Wind Terpines, Quiz Bowl, and Terrapin Works. I want to work towards leadership positions in these organizations since they will give me great experience for my future. I am proud to be a Terp and a member of College Park Scholars because of all that I have learned and will continue to learn, in my few weeks so far. I can't wait to continue meeting new people and branching out to new organizations as I leave my mark on the University.
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- Simple HTML Page
- SGC Excursion Report
- Expectations vs. Reality
External Links:
LinkedIn Account