College Park Scholars: Science and Global Change Program

These are my kittens
My name is Ritzer Cruz and I am a sophomore civil engineering major at the University of Maryland. I am from Cheverly, Maryland so I am very
familiar with this area. The summer before my freshman year of college, I worked for Hardesty Concrete as an assistant
field engineer. This experience was what pushed me towards civil engineering after originally leaning towards
bioengineering. I plan to pursue the Geotechnical/Structural track of the major to have a career in
structural engineering, although I am also interested in transportation engineering.
At UMD, I am participate in intramural volleyball and I am on the frisbee and jiu-jitsu clubs.
In addition to science, I am also interested in film and Spanish, so I plan to minor in Spanish and take
at least one film class. In the links below you can find my profile on Letterboxd, which is a site I
use to rate movies and occasionally write reviews.
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- Gallery images for SGC event
- Freshman Time Capsule Reflection Essay
- Activity three - coming soon
External Links:
My Letterboxd Profile