As I reflect on my time as a Science & Global Change Scholar (SGC), I realize there was a lot that SGC covered from scientific practices to climate change, to how the world work’s that I’ve seen multiple times throughout my time so far here at UMD. I’ve made so many connections that I'm going to expand upon next, thanks to some of the topics we’ve covered throughout SGC. Perhaps some of my favorite lectures from SGC were the ones where we looked at the world and how it was connected to climate change. Also a key lecture was the lecture where we went over all the different logical fallacies. During my time as an SGC student I've seen and been able to recognize so many instances of seeing people encountering failures of critical thinking skills, most notably the usage of logical fallacies. Since my time in SGC I feel like my awareness in recognizing logical fallacies and people using them has really risen. Given that this was an election year and so many political ads were all over the place, I feel like I was really able to recognize so many logical fallacies flying all over the place. Then when even discussing with my peers I would feel that these logical fallacies were present, as it had become so normalized through these ads. I guess that’s just how politics works, but at least through Scholars I was able to pick up on it more effectively then I would without it. Moving on, I would also like to acknowledge SGC in helping me out with my own major and definitely enhancing my attitude and approach towards it. As a computer science major, I feel like the lectures where we talked about how natural resources worked and how countries used resources as leverage helped me realize my interest in this sort of stuff. I feel this all connects well with cybersecurity and I feel in the current moment that's the direction I hope to head in. I feel like looking into other nations and analyzing threats has a connection to all the lectures where we talked about other nations and the simulation where we were all different nation states based on the real world. My time in Scholars also made me take some supporting classes which I feel like contributed not only to my understanding of Climate Change and the Earth but also myself. One of the most interesting classes I've taken so far during my time here in UMD was GEOL204 with Professor Holtz. Learning about all the different era’s that Earth has been in like the Devonian era and other topics like PETM was really cool and enjoyable to learn about. It also enhanced my understanding of these SGC lectures at the same time. I also really enjoyed learning about some of the cool creatures that I never even knew existed like the trilobites. Another supporting course I took was MATH140 which I also needed to take for my major. This class I would say helped in my understanding of me and UMD a lot. I already had taken Calculus I in high school but this class was still just so completely different mentally for me. I learned a lot about having to create a good work ethic and how to study and adjust to university in part through this class. Many of these practices I still strive to apply daily. In terms of the community aspect of SGC, I would say living in Centreville has helped me a lot in terms of interacting with my fellow SGC Peers. I’ve made many friends and acquaintances through SGC and I’ve had opportunities to learn and work a lot with my peers, especially with the group presentations. A specific example would be from earlier this month when I worked with my fellow SGC peers on a group project regarding green spaces. I feel like working with my peers enhanced my understanding of the concept a lot and really bringing up specific examples of green spaces in cities like in Europe really got the point across to me. Moving on to contributing to scholars, I feel like my contributions can be divided up into two categories. The first category I'd say involves me always going to class, partaking in the discussions, and always doing my part for all the SGC assignments. The second part in the way I feel like I contribute to scholars is the beliefs and work ethic I'll try to carry with me. What I mean by this is being aware of what climate change is and trying to improve my lifestyle to be more sustainable and trying to not be one of those people in the world who denies climate change. Essentially carrying the message of SGC with me as I go. In terms of work ethic, I'll keep trying to do all my assignments and work and study hard. I feel like if you're associated as an SGC Scholar then you want to show people that you work hard and that’s how I feel like I'll contribute in that sense. Scholars have also brought me in contact with a lot of people and beliefs and I do feel that some of these people and viewpoints have adjusted my own for sure. At the same time I feel they have also reaffirmed some of my beliefs as well, like how we shouldn’t be eating animals. But one key viewpoint I feel like has changed a lot is my take on fossil fuels and oil. I feel like after all these SGC lectures, I’ve started seeing how oil isn’t everything and how there's all these alternatives like Electric Vehicles that can really do a good job of replacing oil. The realization of how oil affects global politics and some of the discussions I've had with some of my peers made me realize how our dependence on oil needs to be minimized. Also another viewpoint I started seeing that I didn’t have before was seeing how climate change was disproportionately affecting some communities as well. I feel like over these last three semesters have really made me see more of these things. Finally in terms of how my scholars' experience might inform my future, I know I can expect to draw upon a lot of the habits and work ethic I’ve created and developed through the SGC and Scholars program, I believe for sure past just the next two years. I also think being in scholars will definitely help me see the world better, not just as a junior or senior but past that as well. Some of the topics we covered like logical fallacies are not just relevant to scholars and climate change is a big issue, for which I'm sure I'll try and do my part to contribute to the better of the world. I'm sure there's more I could say as well about all this, but as beautifully stated in the template “it is often the case that it is only in hindsight that we discover what was really our most important or formative experiences!”. But regardless I really enjoyed my time as a scholar and I'm grateful for all the memories and people I came to meet because of this!