I remember the day that I found out I was pregnant again. It was nothing like the first time I found out I was pregnant. I was actually happy this time. I didn't like being close to Jack at night, but I did not mind him the rest of the time. I started to like the idea of us having a child together. Part of me also thought that maybe now that we were having one child, Jack wouldn't feel the need to have sex with me anymore. I was glad at least for the nine months to be able to use being pregnant as an excuse for not having sex.

The day that Angel was born was one of the happiest days of my life. Jack was not there, but with good reason. He was on a business trip somewhere. Bridget was not there either because she was on one of her weekend trips with Ben. I never told Jillian when I went into labor and never even told Kevin that I was pregnant. Ever since I moved out of their house, I tried to avoid them as much as possible. Occasionally I would met Jillian for lunch, but only a couple times a year.

When I brought Angel home, I was excited to start a new life. I hoped that Angel's life would never be like mine. Bridget had gotten married to Ben about a year or so ago and I hoped that she would have a child one day soon to be friends with Angel. I told her this once when Angel was young, and she agreed that was a good idea.

Going to the beach with Angel is so much different than when I went to the beach with my family. I was glad to have a child who didn't have to worry about her father sneaking into her bed, Jack would never ever do that. She could freely play in the sand with a swimsuit without having to worry about any bruises showing. I can't wait to see what Angel's life is like. I am sure that her dreams will be even better than my dream.