Interview Links

Here is a text interview with Join Activism, conducted in August 2021, as part of this series.
        See also their terrific interview with Randy Gallistel, which comes up in the conversation with me.

Here is a video interview with Malhaar Shah, conducted in January 2021, for the Oxford Linguistics Society.
check out their interviews with Emma Borg and Robyn Carston.

Here is another video interview with Fabian Corver for his podcast series, "Understanding Chomsky."
        This conversation took place in September of 2020
. The
links below are to Fabian's interviews with
        Noam Chomsky, John Collins, Frankie Egan, John Mikhail, David Poeppel, Jim McGilvray, and Norbert Hornstein.


Links to Some Related Videos of Talks

"Linguistically Expressible Concepts: a simple mentalese for human grammars"
Colloquium Talk (March 31, 2023) for the department of philosophy at the University of Southern California

"The Extension Dogma"
Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science (May 21st, 2021)

"Semantic Framing: the meaning of most"
Simon Frasier University produced this video of a 2014 talk for their Linguistics and Cognitive Science programs.