Somewhere in the course of writing the previous post one of those hay fever related spring-time colds caught up with me and pretty much brought mental forward progress to a halt for a few weeks. The FEC post seemed weak and I lost interest in it and began writing on the PBS Aircraft Carrier 10 hour special which aired last week. Inspired by that, I also began working on some stories from my own days living on an Aircraft Carrier, and the people I knew then. I regard myself as being promised [Jordan E., I haven't forgotten] to write up as many incidents events as seem worthy, that I can still remember. You have to get to a precarious balance of storytelling and remembering to make the exercise worthwhile. I want to stay with the real people I knew, and not invent or combine people or incidents for effect if I write these. It was a while ago now, and requires some effort and technique to get back there. I had made a start on a couple of these, and was pleased with them so far. This is where things take an unfortunate turn. I had my backpack stolen the other day. In this pack, which I carry to and from work on a bicycle daily, were (amongst other not-less consequential junk) my iPod, A digital camera (a new and rather nice Sony DSC) and my Alpha Smart Neo, a portable word processor, on which I had taken to doing all my draft writing. I had filled up all eight registers with a great mass of at least partially coherent writing. This is now all gone. This is the second time in four (five?) years I've had a camera and iPod stolen. I am less than content on this score. The FEC piece was still somewhat fresh in my mind, plus I had an outline in the MacBook for it. So I was able to reproduce that without too much trouble, or loss. There was the piece where I compare what I bring to work for lunch against what Tran brings - some small discussion of rice occurs. For the Carrier post, which I will rewrite next, I have only a scribbled outline on paper, and some other thoughts I remember from writing. For the stories; I set down some notes today on how I was approaching it, but come up with only patches of the words and sentences I wrote. I worry a little from having lost and retyped files before, that the replication often seems more ossified and hurried than the original, rarely improving on it. However, the way I write perhaps it won't make much difference.
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