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Monday, February 25, 2008

Senator McCain plays both sides of the fence Senate Passes Ban On Waterboarding, Other Techniques - with his speeches, public stand and actual votes on the intelligence bill Bush's last push for torture - Los Angeles Times. Which now in omnibus fashion contains provisions for both torture and warrantless surveillance 110th Congress: Bill H R 2082 | Congress votes database | The later by which they mean extralegal invasion of privacy; however, using the coercive power of the state.

Its not as though they don't have such programs wrapped up in multiple layers of secrecy already. They still find it necessary to keep these activities well beyond mere secret taken to a place where the laws may never interfer. For appearances I would work to keep those words warrantless and surveillance a little further apart in discussion and print as it seems, at first take, to come down a little outside of constitutionality.

This is little problem though. We have a supreme court of judges in this land lead by those such as Justice Scalia adept if unhinged who have proven themselves consummate magicians. Able to levitate all manner of things, of their choosing, off the floor of law and liberty. And place these balls in the hands of prince's perogative.

McCain will on the same day that he trumpets his military record, draws back to his war time experience, denounces the villany of his captors, and enlightenly condemms waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation practices cast a vote for the President's interests which ensure that these practices are incorporated into the common tools of the state Senate Roll Call on Intelligence Bill - His advisor would say that he has voted consistantly and his position is firmly that the Army adheare to rules more in keeping with international convention Vote Against Waterboarding Bill Called Consistent - But with other agencies, he would not want to tie America's hands and votes for exception. This is a winning topic for the Senator his advisors say because like Bo knows baseball, John McCain knows being a POW. This exception - for the CIA and its various outsourcings is a distinction that exists mainly for the purposes of domestic political consumption. Not unlike like applauding the NFL for giving up the designated hitter rule. Regimes across the globe are retrofitting such distinctions: rules of the uniformed services vs rules of the polit-bureaus, and witholding desgnation of POW status into their own programs.

Given the way Sen. McCain seems to actually consider the subject rather than his rhetoric. I would expect that the honorable and straight talk sort of thing for him to do would be to take a moment and fly out to Hanoi and throw himself down before Ho Chi Minh's tomb and beg tearfull forgiveness of ever having doubted or stated that sadistic dehumanizing endless imprisonment. And allied professions, inquisitor, torturor are not among the highest and most noble of all possible occupations. What? Do I hear his advisors say that isn't to happen? Not a chance in hell? There's always a chance I say. In fact. precisely the same chance that I would ever vote for your boy.

11:51:47 PM    comment [];trackback [];

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2008 P Bushmiller.
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