R.U. Sirius
The other day in a passing comment my niece noted she liked the newspaper comic Brewster Rockit. I had pegged that strip as a slightly difficult to figure variant of the Office with assorted and somewhat random pop culture elements
Brewster Rockit: Space Guy!. The mad scientist who is, however, one of the team. Their home; a space station named R.U. Sirius, featured distinctly in that days strip . As noted by my niece simply a pun, as noted by me a particular and lovely pun. One in real life belonging to Ken Goffman (aka) the moving force behind the demised magazine Mondo 2000 and associated glitter hacker groups. Still the work I had to do tryin to explain that someone had been running around twenty years as a leading digerati with that moniker made me think when someone at Ars Technica wrote up a post on R.U a few days later
Cyberpunk icon proposes open source political party that others had walked the same path I had. It turns out that from his web log R.U. Sirius is championing what he calls the Open Source Political Movement. A seven (or so) point manifesto: The Open Source Party Proposal - 10 Zen Monkeys. He says we need only be behind five of the seven to play. I can get somewhat behind three of them. Ending imperial foreign policy. Ending (or at least not priviledging) corporate personhood. And the call for a new energy task force. R.U. Sirius makes at least as much sense as Ron Paul.
The Thanksgiving weekend involved spending time with teenagers and similarly aged folk. I always learn a lot on such occaisions. Consider the Awkward Turtle (Urban Dictionary: awkward turtle). Demonstrated below by my niece Nicole. Simply place one hand over the other, thumbs out, and rotate the thumbs. This is something I was completely unaware of previously. I'm pretty unaware in general, but still. There remains some question as whether faster or slower rotation indicates greater or lesser awkwardness Type of gesture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I align with the turtle of slow pained and limping awkwardness. Depending on how dexterious you are, the turtle may be flipped over on his back. A pitious turtle indeed. The Turtle is apparently the mascot of the awkward movement. A movement which seeks to combine and encompass the various too-much, ill-timed, or simply unnecessary information events. The "thanks for sharing" moments. All those times and turns of limited grace and cover in life. There really is a certain genius in this. the Awkward Turtle
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