Atomized junior

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Monday, October 29, 2007
Peak Angst

It has been suggested that the winning of two World Championships in three years AL romps to another title - by the Boston Red Sox Boston sweeps Colorado to win World Series - will be devastating for followers of the team, particularly long time followers.

Why? Because the frustration of rooting for a team whose time seemed never to come was part of our being, our DNA. This Angst, it is said, kept Bostonians functioning With the Red Sox victories comes a loss of angst. It was the great hope to believe in, our reason for being. To see the Curse of the Bambino lifted. To be forgiven. Forgiven for trading Ruth to the Yankees in, what was it, 1919.

As one who grew up in two towns both within 30 miles of Boston, Plymouth and Holliston (our motto during the years I lived there: "Like Hopkinton, but different"), I feel I ought to respond to this. The idea here seems to be that angst is perishable and to be cherished. Like oil. And now that the Red Sox have won, and won twice, no more will come our way. What angst is - is known. What fields explored and drilled is all there will be and must be nurtured and guarded accordingly. I think it is more as one Globe columnist put it: 2004 was an exorcism. 2007 is an exclamation point. It's good to win Union Leader - Sox fans, it's OK to win - Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2007. I'm still feeling my way through being a Washington Nationals Fan and need to be reminded of the feeling.

I have no worries in any event. I have plenty of angst left, having banked it up for a rainy day, I can lower the prime rate in angst. And still feel in my very finger tips the Anxiety of the Goalie at the Penalty Kick.

11:52:16 PM    comment [];trackback [];

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2007 P Bushmiller.
Last update: 11/3/07; 8:47:31 PM.
October 2007
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paul bushmiller
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at the least, this.
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it's a weblog.
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3 or 4 years. I used to run it by hand; Radio Userland is more convenient.
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victoria - the kinks
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Omaha - Moby Grape
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Billy in the Lowlands
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any book I can read in a clean well lighted place
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