No explicit license given with SNMP code, so unsure what status is. Since Simon Leinen is currently distributing his stuff on the web, shouldn't be a major issue. A version of his SMNP Perl libraries in included with this module, but all licensing questions should go to his page
I, Tom Payerle, license all my original code in this package under standard SAINT/SATAN license.
The probe reads in the file.
If it is given the read community for a host, it connects with that string and reads sysDescr. If can't connect, it continues as if wasn't given the read community string. If string given and not told to ignore guessable strings for that host, will complain if string is in the list of strings to guess.
If no read community string given, or it was wrong, it tries to guess it. This is currently done in a simple, brute force method, it tries everything on a list, currently short (public, private, and null). If it succeeds in connecting, it reads sysDescr for host-typing, and generates a warning.
If called with the "-w" flag, (current todo uses it), it will also try to guess the write community string. This is not only brutish but invasive (it tries to connect, then to prove is a write community, resets sysLocation. It will try to set back to original if succeeds). If it guesses a write community, warns about that as well.
Not elegant or efficient, but works (albeit requires somewhat large timeout value if needs to guess).