
Process Engineering Economics and Design II

Spring 2025


Nam Sun Wang
Class Hours: Monday 2:00pm-4:30pm, CHE2110
Office Hours: Wednesday 12:00noon-1:00pm, TA room (CHE1124); Wednesday 3:00pm-4:00pm, Rm 1208 Chemical Engineering Bldg.
Phone: 301-405-1910 (call for appointment outside the office hours)

Teaching Assistant:

Ebenezer Kobina Sam
Office Hours: TuTh 3:30pm-4:30pm, TA room (CHE1124).

Required Textbooks:



Course Description:

Application of chemical engineering principles for the design of chemical processing equipment. Representative problems in the design of chemical plants will be the focus of this capstone design class. Comprehensive reports are required.

Course Objectives:

This is the chemical engineering capstone design course, where we put together all students have learned previously into a coherent project(s). This class consists of student teams working on one major design project during the semester; the students will reinforce their teamwork and communication skills and will integrate all previous Chemical Engineering course materials in the detailed design and costing of complete chemical plants and in the context of product design problems. Contribution of the Course to Meeting Professional Component This course contributes heavily to the professional component of the Chemical Engineering undergraduate curriculum - it is the capstone design class with projects chosen from chemical process plants that currently are under construction or being studied in the chemical processing industry, and chemical product design problems chosen from state-of-the-art chemical products. Sources of projects include: projects developed in conjunction with an industrial partner; annual AIChE design contest problems and projects of current industrial interest. In the past, the projects have included biofuel refining, hydrogen production from landfill gas, and solar-grade polysilicon production, syngas, ammonia, sweetening of sour gas, carbon capture/storage, bio-alcohol, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, viruses, CAR T cells, cultivated meat, ...

Relationship of Course to Program Objectives

In this course, the most relevant program objectives are:

The design projects in this course also address

List of Topics Covered

Chemical process design, building on material and energy balance computations, understanding phase equilibrium and thermophysical property estimation, short-cut design techniques, process optimization, process economics, safety and environmental issues, and energy integration. Application of other fundamental chemical engineering concepts in transport, separation, reaction equilibrium and reactor design, and various chemical process unit operations.

You are expected to know and apply:

Since this is a capstone design course, you are expected to have mastered fundamentals of core chemical engineering concepts in: material/energy balance, computation, thermodynamics, transport, separation, reaction equilibrium and reactor design, process control, and various chemical process unit operations. In addition, you are expected to know the following specific topics covered in CHBE444.


The outcomes will be measured by individual assignments, team assignments, i.e., team presentations on assigned review topics at the beginning of the semester, a number of interim reports, the final oral project presentation, the final written project report, and the Design Expo at the end of the semester. There will be no in-class sit-down examinations. The semester grade will be based on the following assessments.

mid-term & final exams (individual effort) 0%
homework assignments (individual effort) 0%
interim project reports (team effort) 20%
presentations (wk2, wk3, team effort, peer evaluated) 10%
final project oral presentations (team effort, peer evaluated) 5%
final project written reports (team effort) 40%
Design Expo (team effort, peer evaluated) 5%
team-peer zero-sum scoring/adjustment of the above ±40%*
end-project peer evaluation (by team members) 20%

total 100%
* Through "zero sum" scoring, students redistribute up to 50% of the team scores. The oral presentation scores are assigned by the students, and the written report scores are assigned by the TA/instructor. Without this "zero sum" adjustment, or with everyone working equally hard and everyone receiving a 0pt adjustment, the team score is evenly distributed among all team members. However, with this "zero sum" adjustment, a hardworking team member's exceptional work is recognized and rewarded, while a slacking team member's poor work is punished. You rate each team member (other than yourself) on a -10 to +10 scale, where 0 represents the team norm, a negative score means a below-average contribution, a positive score means an above-average contribution, based on the following criteria: teamwork, initiative, preparation, amount of work completed, level of challenge, effort/motivation, timeliness, ... The scores you give to all other team members must sum up to 0.
Example. fractional score for final project presentations+reports given to the team=0.80
                                 Jane Doe  Marylyn Monroe  Smokey Bear  Winnie Pooh   Sum
  score given by Jane Doe            x           -3            +1           +2         0
  score given by Marylyn Monroe     +6            x            -2           -4         0
  score given by Smokey Bear        +2           -2             x            0         0
  score given by Winnie Pooh         0            0             0            x         0
  average score                     +4           -2.5          -0.5         -1         0 
  adjustment to fractional score    +0.16        -0.10         -0.02        -0.04      0 ... 50% of 0.80 (80%)
  fractional score assigned          0.96         0.70          0.78         0.76     3.2=0.80*4    

Homework|reports are due electronically at ELMS at the beginning of the class (or at the individual group meetings with the instructor) on the specified due date; no late homework|reports will be accepted unless individually arranged with the instructor before the due date with a valid excuse. To help facilitate discussion during individual group meetings with the instructor, bring a hardcopy of most relevant materials (e.g., process flow diagrams) to the meeting; in addition, you may present your latest results on a laptop. Discussion among classmates (within each group or outside) is allowed in solving individual homework assignments, but each student must do his/her own work (no copying!). On the other hand, project reports (both interim and final) represent a team effort, and the entire team collectively receives the same grade for each team assignment. How each team divides up its members' responsibilities within is each team's own prerogative. Likewise, the team interim/final reports must be the team's own work -- no copying of other team's work nor work from beyond this class (e.g., project reports from previous years or from another school). Adjustment for different team members is through peer evaluation conducted at the end of each of the two projects.

We abide by the University of Maryland's policy governing undergraduate students. Course-Related Policies and Resources for Undergraduate Students apply too all courses, including this.

Class attendance is required. "Class attendance" refers to attending the project description lectures, team presentations, and individual team meetings with the instructor.

Plagiarism and academic dishonesty absolutely will NOT be tolerated, and suspected incidence will be referred to the Student Honor Council of the Judiciary Programs. It is your responsibility to consult the instructor whenever there is any doubt on the definitions of these terms or on the allowable materials on each specific homework assignments or reports. See Policy on Academic Integrity.

For a team assignment (e.g., presentation, reports etc.), if one team member is guilty of plagiarism, it is likely that the Student Honor Council will hold responsible every team members whose name appears on that assignment. Search for information on-line via search engines (e.g., Google, Bing, etc.) and AI chatbots (e.g., OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google's Gemini, Microsoft's Copilot, Meta's Llama, etc.) is allowed. In fact, the ability to search on-line is an extremely critical aspect of this course. However, you must properly reference each source in the form of specific web URLs, specific journal articles, or prompts to AI chatbots (google "how to cite AI prompts", "how to reference AI", etc.). In addition to the traditional methods of information gathering (e.g., figures, reaction rate expressions, model parameters, etc.), if you find on-line source codes (including Aspen worksheets, spreadsheets, Matlab programs, etc.) that help you with your project, you are allowed to use them, but be very clear in your report what is your work and what is "borrowed"; failure to do so constitutes plagiarism.

Whether or not you sign explicitly in each assignment or exam, it is assumed that you adhere to the following University of Maryland's Honor Pledge.

"I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment/examination."

If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations with the instructor, please do so as soon as possible.

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Process Engineering Economics and Design -- Syllabus
Forward comments to:
Nam Sun Wang
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-2111
301-405-1910 (voice)
301-314-9126 (FAX)
e-mail: ©2025 by Nam Sun Wang
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