Major: Aerospace Engineering
College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change Program

Nicholas Nguyen's Prom Photo
Hi, I am a first-year aerospace engineering student in the College Park Scholars Science and Global Change program.
I have a passion for anything flying, space-related, or theoretical, and I participate in various activities outside of school.
Currently, I am interested in the air track of aerospace engineering, but that is subject to change as I learn more about the
industry. I am part of the Wind Terpines Club where we design a working prototype of an off-grid wind turbine and compete against
top universities across the nation. I am also a part of the UMD Barbell Club where we work out and compete in various meets, sending
our best lifters to compete in Powerlifting Collegiate Nationals. As a freshman, I feel excited about the countless opportunities that
UMD provides and I look forward to meeting all sorts of people in and outside my field. Over the next four years, I want to build a solid
foundation in aerospace engineering and develop teamwork/leadership skills that will transfer to the workforce.
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
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