MacKenzie's "Freshman Time Capsule" Reflection Essay

My freshman year was truly something I will never forget. I have made so many friends and connections that make being away from home so much more easier. A course that I took this spring called ENES140 was an entrepreneurial course and to my surprise I really enjoyed it, learning the strategies it takes to run a business as well as putting that knowledge to use is something I would have never thought I would enjoy. I did very well in the class and will use the tips and tricks I picked up in my daily life to enhance my leadership skills. For incoming students, take that random class. Now, if PlanetTerp says the class is mindful, but if the description of the class interests you or sparks some curiosity in you, register for it. You never know what course would be your new minor or niche interest unless you try.

Since I had the pleasure of having my advisor Dr.Jones (AOSC), guide me through my first year I definitely would say she has made life easier. Even though I did recently go on the path of changing my major she is still someone that I feel like I can talk to regardless of me not being in the department anymore. Another faculty would be Dr.Merck (the GOAT), he assisted me a lot between both Chesapeake scholars and College Park scholars, but he is also just a great person to talk to since he can relate with people on many different levels both educationally and just life itself. Hearing his own testimonies and stories from when he was my age encourages me and does not allow me to doubt myself because he is still very successful despite his setbacks. I would say build relationships with your advisor and professors in classes that you know you will see them again throughout your time at the University. It is nothing like being able to rant to someone who has already been through the exact same struggles you have and they guide you to a better place. So utilize the people you see day to day.

I truly believe that without being in SGC or in scholars period, I would not be as social as I am today. Being around people that bring you out of your shell in the best way, is one of the most healthiest things a teenager away from home can experience. Coming to UMD I was petrified, in high school I was very shy, kept to myself and just pretty much was the opposite of who I am today. In the beginning I was very homesick and I really did not get comfortable until the 2nd week of us being here, I just wanted to be home with my bunny and follow my mom around all day. The biggest goal is to make friends, you do not have to know the entire University by name, you do not even have to know the name of the person sitting next to you in lecture. The important thing is, you are not alone. There are so many other freshman that are just as scared and it is okay.

An aspect of the academic life in college I was not prepared for was holding myself accountable, coming out of high school teachers would constantly remind you to start studying, turn this assignment in etc. But keeping yourself on that calendar was the hardest thing that I have ever done and am still working on. Finding a good study habit is something I will continue to work on because my studying consists of cramming and using photo memory to retain information (only works for the Memory Match game btw). I am slowly but surely getting out of this habit though.

Last modified: 17 May 2024