
Welcome! I'm Steve Mitchell, an engineer and academic passionate about innovation in technology development and academic pedagogies.

I specialize in active remote sensing techniques employing engineering concepts to design, develop, and deploy laser radars (lidars), with an extensive background in airborne sensors. I am a hands-on engineer who possesses a holistic view of engineering activities, with experience in all aspects of technology development from fundamental physics to initial concepts, design, integration & testing, field deployment, and data analysis.


I am passionate about properly educating the next generation of engineers. It is my belief that engineering should not only be studied, but should be lived! As such, I strive to provide my students with real-world engineering scenerios inside and outside of the classroom. I am the proud recipient of the 2017 Purple Camshaft Award for impactful teaching (image, right) and continually strive to innovate engineering pedagogies.

For more on my background and interests be sure to Link In with me, and please feel encouraged to reach out to me anytime.