Computer Science
College Park Scholars - Science and Global Change Program

This is a picture of me at the beach this summer!
Hello! My name is Maya Chelar and I am currently a first year computer science major at the University of Maryland (UMD). I am from Rockville in Montgomery County, MD. I am in the Science and Global Change program as I am passionate about science and would like to discover and learn about different ways to use science in order to improve our world's problems. One of these problems is climate change, and I'm interested about how we can tackle climate change by improving our knowledge on the topic and taking calculated action towards it. During my time at UMD, I hope to gain knowledge from lectures, professors, and other opportunities on campus, while also enjoying my time here. In the future, I hope to get a job in the technology sector.
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- SGC Scavenger Hunt Gallery Photos
- Expectations V.S. Reality Essay
- Activity three - coming soon
External Links: