Something about college is that it will definitely be different from high school. There are plenty of opportunities to make new memories and try new things, it all just depends on whether you want to push yourself to make the effort. One thing that is notably different is the freedom you get from being on campus. If possible I definitely recommend living on campus. It makes it easier to make new friends and create more memories. For example, if you randomly wanted to get snacks at 12:00 in the morning, you could just walk to the market and grab some. If you like playing sports or exercising, there are many options at Eppley. If gaming is your thing or you're into bowling or pool, going to TerpZone is recommended. Not to mention, there are many food places on and off campus which honestly may be a bad thing because it makes it easier to go broke.
If there is one thing I highly encourage, is to try and branch out and make friends. Strengthening old friendships is just as important though. I think when we are younger we always say that we would stick with our friends forever but we end up losing contact. Although it's very early to say, I believe college is more realistic in achieving those goals. Since you are away from home, it may be difficult to find a place or people to go for comfort. However, it's important to note that everybody is going through the same thing. We all have left home and are adjusting to a new place, so having people to be there with you in tough times is very crucial. That basically forces you to make closer friendships with people because there are more opportunities for shared experiences. You will be able to rely on them and hopefully you would offer the same back. The adjustment from high school to college is definitely rough so having people as support is absolutely important. Of course, don't feel discouraged if you don't find your people right away. If you are shy or introverted it may be scary at first, but just know that it'll only be the first year and there is actually so much that can change within a semester.
It is good to make relationships with faculty members. Though I will say, I personally haven't done a good job at doing this. However, it is definitely encouraged to at least get to know one member well. They will be a great guidance and may be able to offer help to you in the future with new opportunities. I think all it takes is a simple introduction and just having small talk with them. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, but I definitely understand any fears in talking to faculty. They seem intimidating but I'm sure they would be reciprocate if you approached one.
Something that I was least prepared for academically was how quick the deadlines catch up to you. It's very tempting to lazy around on the weekends but once the week starts the motivation to get major stuff done in the day gets harder and harder. It is extremely easy to fall behind and let things pile up so if you are someone who is organized it will help a lot in college. Everything is a personal choice when it comes to studying, learning content, and going to class. Just know that once you start skipping, it'll be hard to stop. Especially when it comes to classes you are as interested in. So my recommendation is to be as organized as you can and to make sure you stick to your schedule of getting the work you wanted to get done on the time you said.
There are a plethora of classes to choose from, and some are actually very interesting if you look through. I recommend trying out new things that pique your interest, even if they are unrelated to your major. Of course you will be forced to take general classes to graduate but it can be interesting if you put yourself out there and try something new. I am taking a family science class as a math major and the content was actually pretty interesting. It's called FMSC260 and it's about couples, marriage, and families. All it takes is a leap of faith, and if per say you don't find it interesting you can drop out within the first two weeks (I believe). Just scroll through the list of classes and search what the classes are about online and I'm sure there'll be at least one class that you will be curious about.
College can be a fun experience, you just have to put yourself a bit out there. Also, the most fun things tend to be impulse choices, so go with your gut and try something new.