>>ls ans = Absorber.c McAvoy_Plot_1.m VAModel.c enthalpy_7.c Beta_Separator.c McAvoy_Plot_2.m Vaporizer.c gamma_wilson_3.c CO2_Remove.c McAvoy_Plot_3.m bubpt_column.c gamma_wilson_7.c Column.c McAvoy_Plot_4.m compile_mexsol.m ludcmp.c ComponentSeparator.c Reactor.c controller.c mixer.c Compressor.c Separator.c cp.c reaction_rate.c FEHE.c Transient_Plot.m diary steadystate.c Gas_Remove.c Transmit.c enthalpy_3.c test_VAcPlant.m >>mex -setup Using the 'mex -setup' command selects an options file that is placed in ~/.matlab/R12 and used by default for 'mex'. An options file in the current working directory or specified on the command line overrides the default options file in ~/.matlab/R12. Options files control which compiler to use, the compiler and link command options, and the runtime libraries to link against. To override the default options file, use the 'mex -f' command (see 'mex -help' for more information). The options files available for mex are: 1: /afs/glue/software/matlab/6.1/bin/gccopts.sh : Template Options file for building gcc MEX-files 2: /afs/glue/software/matlab/6.1/bin/mexopts.sh : Template Options file for building MEX-files via the system ANSI compiler Enter the number of the options file to use as your default options file: 1 Overwrite /homes/dkedar/.matlab/R12/mexopts.sh ([y]/n)? y /afs/glue/software/matlab/6.1/bin/gccopts.sh is being copied to /homes/dkedar/.matlab/R12/mexopts.sh >>compile_mexsol >>ls ans = Absorber.c McAvoy_Plot_2.m VAModel.mexsol enthalpy_7.c Beta_Separator.c McAvoy_Plot_3.m Vaporizer.c gamma_wilson_3.c CO2_Remove.c McAvoy_Plot_4.m bubpt_column.c gamma_wilson_7.c Column.c Reactor.c compile_mexsol.m ludcmp.c ComponentSeparator.c Separator.c controller.c mixer.c Compressor.c Transient_Plot.m controller.mexsol reaction_rate.c FEHE.c Transmit.c cp.c steadystate.c Gas_Remove.c Transmit.mexsol diary test_VAcPlant.m McAvoy_Plot_1.m VAModel.c enthalpy_3.c >>test_VAcPlant(20,2) elapsed_time = 32.727