"Tens Digit" Rule
Scores for missed discussions and any discussion score that is lower
than the "tens digit" of your score on the in-class exam covering the
same material will replaced by the minimum of that digit and your
highest discussion score over that period. For example, if you score
83 on the first in-class exam and have a score of at least an 8 on one
of the discussions then the score of any of the first four discussions
that is lower than 8 will be raised to 8. Notice that this policy does
not apply to discussions after the last in-class exam.
WARNING: Because it rounds down, if you rely on this policy
for most of your discussions then your net discussion score could be
one letter grade lower than your average in-class exam score! This
policy is intended to provide a safety net that can be used a few times,
not as something that should be used often.
University Closures
If the University closes on the day of a scheduled discussion before
the last in-class exam then your discussion score for that day will
be the "tens" digit of your score on the associated exam. If the
University closes on the day of a scheduled discussion after the last
in-class exam then there will be no score replacement.