AMSC/CMSC 460 Textbook and Other Texts, Fall 2016
Principle Textbook
Numerical Computing with MATLAB
Cleve B. Molar
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Philadelphia PA (2004)
ISBN 978-0-898716-60-3
Roughly, we will cover much of Chapters 1-7.
This textbook may be downloaded for free through the above link.
Introduction to Numerical Analysis
Doron Levy
Our lectures will often follow these notes.
MATLAB Resources
MATLAB Student Version R2016a is the most recent. .
The Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA
ISBN 978-0-9825-8383-8
Getting Started with MATLAB and Simulink Student Version,
by Mathworks
This is a free on-line set of tutorials.
Chapter 1 of Numerical Computing with MATLAB,
by Cleve Moler
This is a good general introduction to MATLAB.
MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications, Fourth Edition,
by Amos Gilat
J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 2011
An Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers,
by William J. Palm III
McGraw-Hill, New York, 2010
Getting Started with MATLAB,
A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers,
by Rudra Pratap
Oxford University Press, New York, 2009
(There may be some differences between the MATLAB described
in this book and versions 2009b or later.)
Essentials of MATLAB Programming, Second Edition,
by Stephen J. Chapman
Cengage Learning, Stamford CT, 2009
(This book covers more advanced material than is needed
for this course.
This is based on MATLAB 7.
I do not know if it is current with version 2009b or later.)