AMSC/CMSC 460 Description and Prerequisites
AMSC/CMSC 460, Computational Methods (3 credits)
Basic computational methods for interpolation, least squares,
approximation, numerical quadrature, numerical solution of
polynomial and transcendental equations, systems of linear
equations and initial value problems for ordinary differential
equations. Emphasis on methods and their computational
properties rather than their analytic aspects. Intended
primarily for students in the physical and engineering sciences.
Course Prerequisites
A grade of C- or better in:
- one of Math 240, 341, or 461 (Linear Algebra);
- one of Math 241 or 340 (Multivarible Calculus);
- one of CMSC 106 or 131 (Programming).
It is recommended that you have passed Math 246
(Ordinary Differential Equations).
A working knowledge of MatLab is required.