MATH/AMSC 420 Resources, Spring 2012
Principle Resources
- There is no required textbook.
Rather, we will provide you with slides from the lectures.
We will also provide helpful references below.
- You need to be able to program.
This means you should know a sufficiently powerful
computer language to do the homeworks and projects.
It also means you need access to a platform on which you
can do the homeworks and projects.
Other Resources
- Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Fourth Edition,
by David C. Lay
Pearson, New York, 2011.
This contains all the linear algebra background you need
for the course.
Chapter 6 covers some of the material from the first two
lectures on fitting.
This is the standard text for Math 240 and 461.
- Getting Started with MATLAB 7,
A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers,
by Rudra Pratap
Oxford University Press, New York, 2005
(There are some significant differences between the
MATLAB 7 described in this book and versions 2008a
or later.)
- Essentials of MATLAB Programming, Second Edition,
by Stephen J. Chapman
Cengage Learning, Stamford CT, 2009
This is also based on MATLAB 7. I do not know if
it is current with version 2011a)